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NC: Accountant has intruder's number

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:37 pm
by ELB

Police chase guy who shoplifted 10 bras (?!) from Walmart. Shoplifter loses police when he runs into office building. Female accountant (and bearer of a license to carry) working late hears someone pounding on dead-bolted door at opposite end of office, then door bursts and shoplifter enters. Her attorney (ding-ding!) says she screamed at him to stop, he doesn't, she shoots him once in the neck, he goes down.

At moment shoplifter/intruder has shattered vertebra in neck, can't move arms and legs. His step dad "questions" accountant's actions. :roll:

Attorney's full statement on behalf of his client (the accountant): ... tement.pdf

Interesting. This is the first self-defense shooting story I've ever read where the defender really did have an attorney johnny-on-the-spot.

Re: NC: Accountant has intruder's number

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:29 pm
by flechero
Well done, Ma'am! I'm sorry that you will re-live this horror in your mind for the rest of your lift, but I am so grateful that you were able to protect yourself!! :tiphat:

Re: NC: Accountant has intruder's number

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:05 pm
by ninjabread
What's the statute of limitations? How long can the DA hold off prosecuting Deondre Branch? It would be cruel to put a quadriplegic in jail. Cruel to the taxpayers footing the bill. No pun intended.

Re: NC: Accountant has intruder's number

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:06 pm
by ELB
DA determines that the accountant was justified in using deadly force in self-defense. ... 80576.html