CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police

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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by Paladin »

That stinks. Hats off to the good Samaritan for doing the right thing! I tell my students to reholster/conceal at the first opportunity, but he may not have had the chance. Sad.
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by philip964 » ... 51902.html

GG was holding BG’s popular semi automatic rifle when he was shot and killed by police.

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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by Ruark »

philip964 wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:27 am ... 51902.html

GG was holding BG’s popular semi automatic rifle when he was shot and killed by police.
I gotta say, that's an unbelievably stupid thing to do: shoot a bad guy, then walk over and pick up his AR, and be standing there holding it when the police arrive - and you KNOW they'll arrive any second, you can hear their sirens before they even get there.

I mean, sure, he's a hero and all that, but sheesh.

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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by K.Mooneyham »

Ruark wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:58 am
philip964 wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:27 am ... 51902.html

GG was holding BG’s popular semi automatic rifle when he was shot and killed by police.
I gotta say, that's an unbelievably stupid thing to do: shoot a bad guy, then walk over and pick up his AR, and be standing there holding it when the police arrive - and you KNOW they'll arrive any second, you can hear their sirens before they even get there.

I mean, sure, he's a hero and all that, but sheesh.

While I certainly applaud his fortitude and dedication, tragically it would seem that picking up that rifle was truly a fatal mistake.

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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by philip964 »

I think this is a real good lesson for all of us. I think with adrenaline pumping it’s not something your thinking about because you know your the GG after all.

As two posters have mentioned. Reholster as quickly as safe to do so. Don’t be picking up BG’s weapons. Maybe kick them away from the BG.

Police don’t come with friend or foe devices. With a gun and no uniform your a foe.
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by carlson1 »

I worked undercover narcotics in a Federal/State Drug Task Force in the 80’s-90’s. Being sworn in as a US Marshall we crossed State Lines (TX, LA, & AR). There were several occasions (we also didn’t look like great citizen’s) we were mistaken by the local LE. We would even notify them most of the time we were in the area, but that didn’t help either.

Goes back to be aware of your surroundings as Officer’s arrive as well as what is said above.

Prayers for all involved.
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by Paladin »

Paul Howe doesn't recommend using a long gun to deal with active shooters for reasons like what occurred here. You can't conceal a long gun, and unslinging a rifle is problematic in that kind of situation.

That said, going up against an active shooter with a handgun wouldn't be my first choice either. The AR-15 worked just fine stopping the mass attack in Southerland Springs.
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by carlson1 »

This is pretty close to what happened in Tyler.

Mark Wilson went against an AK 47 with his Colt .45 Officers Model.
A local resident, Mark Alan Wilson, was in his downtown loft when he heard the shooting begin. He looked out his window and saw Arroyo at the courthouse steps engaged in a shootout with law enforcement. Wilson, who held a Texas concealed handgun permit, immediately armed himself with his Colt .45 caliber pistol, and left his residence to intervene in the gun battle. Because Arroyo was already engaged in a heated gun battle with sheriff's deputies and Tyler police officers, he did not see Wilson approach from behind.

As Wilson approached Arroyo from behind, Arroyo was taking aim at his son whom he had already shot in the leg and wounded. Acting to defend the life of Arroyo's son, Wilson fired a round from approximately 50 feet, which struck Arroyo in the back, causing him to stumble and taking his attention away from his son. A witness who saw Wilson's round strike Arroyo reported seeing "white puffs of powder-like substance" come from Arroyo's clothing. This is believed to be the first time Arroyo was hit or injured during his attack on the courthouse.

Wilson was forced to take cover behind Arroyo's truck in a prone position and exchanged fire with Arroyo. As Arroyo began to approach Wilson's position, he stood up from behind cover and fired again, hitting Arroyo. Unknown to Wilson, Arroyo was wearing a bulletproof vest, rendering Wilson's shots ineffective. Arroyo eventually fired a shot that struck Wilson, who faltered and fell from the view of witnesses, face down behind Arroyo's truck. Arroyo then walked up to Wilson and fired three more shots at him, killing him.[2]
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by oljames3 »

O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by philip964 » ... 04462.html

Mom settles for $2.8 million.

Very important to not be perceived as the bad guy.

Police officer who killed hero thought removing the magazine from bad guys rifle was reloading.
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Re: CO: Good Samaritan rushes into danger, kills cop killer, then shot and accidentally killed by police


Post by Paladin »

philip964 wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:32 am ... 04462.html

Mom settles for $2.8 million.

Very important to not be perceived as the bad guy.

Police officer who killed hero thought removing the magazine from bad guys rifle was reloading.
The lawsuit charged that Brownlow and the other two officers “cowered” in the substation, “choosing self-preservation over defense of the civilian population” before Brownlow saw Hurley with Troyke’s gun, opened the building’s door and shot Hurley from behind after deciding against giving a warning first.
From what I've heard about this the family absolutely deserves the money.
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