steveincowtown wrote:Who chose the conferees for the House and why in the world would Nevarez be part of it?
Here:" onclick=";return false;
Conference Committee
If a conference committee is requested, the presiding officers each appoint five members
from their respective chambers to serve on the committee. The senate rules require that at
least two of the senate conferees be members of the senate committee from which the bill
was reported. A conference committee’s charge is limited to reconciling differences between
the two chambers, and the committee, unless so directed, may not alter, amend, or omit
text that is not in disagreement. The committee also may not add text on any matter that is
not in disagreement or that is not included in either version of the bill in question. After the
committee has reached an agreement, a report is prepared for submittal to the house and
senate. The report must be approved by at least three conferees from each chamber and must
contain the text of the bill as approved by the conference committee, a side-by-side analysis
comparing the text of the compromise bill to both the house and the senate versions, and
the signatures of those members of the conference committee who approved the report. A
conference committee report is not subject to amendment by the house or senate but must
be accepted or rejected in its entirety.
Should the proposed compromise remain unacceptable to either chamber, it may be
returned to the same conference committee for further deliberation, with or without specific
instructions, or the appointment of a new conference committee may be requested. Failure of
the conference committee to reach agreement kills the measure. If the conference committee
report is acceptable to both chambers, the bill is enrolled, signed by both presiding officers in
the presence of their respective chambers, and sent to the governor.
If I understand the stated purpose of the committee, it is to change and/or omit amendment 9, because unless otherwise instructed, that is the only difference between the two bills.