2015 Strategy?

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2015 Strategy?


Post by mojo84 »

I'm hearing from some very well connected and influential people they believe the best chance for truly conservative fiscal, education, etc legislation to succeed, it will need to start in the Senate and get sent to the House for a vote.

Can any of you closer to the legislative process confirm or refute this? Will it be the same with regard to pro-gun issues?
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G.A. Heath
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Re: 2015 Strategy?


Post by G.A. Heath »

mojo84 wrote:I'm hearing from some very well connected and influential people they believe the best chance for truly conservative fiscal, education, etc legislation to succeed, it will need to start in the Senate and get sent to the House for a vote.

Can any of you closer to the legislative process confirm or refute this? Will it be the same with regard to pro-gun issues?
It does kinda look that way when you consider that bills were already being assigned to committee in the Senate while the house had not even assigned committees.
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Re: 2015 Strategy?


Post by mojo84 »

Do the bills bypass the committee process when they get to the house and go to a floor vote of originated in the house?
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Charles L. Cotton
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Re: 2015 Strategy?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I'm not up on that particular issue in terms of legislators' feelings. As a very general statement, the Senate is much more conservative and education is a major issue with Dan Patrick, so I expect conservative bills to pass, but have a fight in the House. But remember, we have a record vote for the Speaker so things could be different, very different.


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