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Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:48 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Open-carry has dominated the gun-related news and websites for several months now and some open-carry websites proclaim "OC" to be the top priority for the 2015 legislative session. I strongly disagree as do must Texas gun owners I have spoken with or who have contacted me by phone or email. It's time to shift the focus from open-carry to matters that have a much greater impact on Texas gun owners. This doesn't mean abandoning open-carry, but it's time to bring far important issues to the forefront.

In my view, the following issues must be addressed in the upcoming Texas legislative session:
  • 1. Repeal of all off-limits areas for Texas CHLs (excluding federal laws) [HB3218 in 2013];
    2. Exclude church volunteer security teams and team members from the Occupations Code §1702 [HB2535 in 2013];
    3. Put teeth in the Employer parking lot bill by creating a cause of action for aggrieved employees;
    4. Create a substantial civil penalty for governmental agencies and political subdivisions that post unenforceable 30.06 signs [HB508 in 2013];
    5. Remove the fingerprint requirement for new and renewed CHLs;
    6. Redefine "conviction" for CHL eligibility to exclude successfully completed deferred adjudications;
    7. Amend CHL eligibility requirements such that the only disqualifying misdemeanors are violent offenses and no Class C Misdemeanors;
    8. Repeal TPC §42.01(a)(8) that creates an vague and ambiguous offense for displaying a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to cause alarm.
There are other issues I would like to address, but the above-listed matters will impact far more Texans. As I have stated on several occasions, I believe we should focus on bills that address who can carry and where we can carry, rather than how we can carry. Some open-carry supporters will twist this comment to claim that I no longer support an open-carry bill for 2015, but that's absolutely not true. I do think that making open-carry the flagship bill and ignoring more important issues would be a disservice to Texas gun owners. I will continue to support open-carry but not to the exclusion or detriment of other far more important issues.

I have created a poll on these issues and everyone can vote for their top four. I realize others may not share I view, so there is an "other" category. If you vote "other," please explain your issue.


Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:51 pm
by baldeagle
Charles, there was a time when I would have voted for number 9, but with the OC idiots running loose, I did not.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:10 pm
by steveincowtown
My desired vote was not available. Repealing or reducing the penalty for 30.06 is the most important issue to me.

#1> MDA will eventually train those who want to keep us out (CHLers) in the correct way to do so.

#2> Open Carry activists may eventually do the same, although not intionally (I hope).

#3> I firmly believe private property owners have the right to keep whomever they want out, but I veitmenly disagree with the way it is done in Texas.

I don't think we can get to "signs have no force of law" this session, but I do think we need to take steps in that directions.

For those that say the blood will run when property owners have to "ask" CHLers or (maybe eventually) licensed are ignoring the rather pristine record of licsense holders.

If we can't repeal or reduce 30.06 I see know reason why the Left should not be able to pass legislation making different signs to prevent knifes, canes, etc. Why in Texas do we have a sign that crimanlizes one "tool" in a private business and not any other "tools."

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:15 pm
by mojo84
Hard to keep it to four. Thanks for doing this. I look forward to seeing the results.

I have less of a problem with fingerprints for new applicants than I do renewals. I would like to see the penalty for carrying where posted reduced. If I had nonviolent convictions or adjudications, I would he she probably been more inclined to vote for those. Call me selfish. :)

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:36 pm
by MeMelYup
Removing the figure print requirement, won't that effect our CHL substituting for NICS.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:52 pm
by Jumping Frog
My 4 choices, in order:

2. Repeal of all off-limits areas for Texas CHLs (excluding federal laws) [HB3218 in 2013];
5. Create a substantial civil penalty for governmental agencies and political subdivisions that post unenforceable 30.06 signs [HB508 in 2013];
7. Redefine "conviction" for CHL eligibility to exclude successfully completed deferred adjudications;
10. Other

The 10. Other: I support reducing a 30.06 violation from a Class A to a Class C misdemeanor.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:07 pm
by gringo pistolero
Repeal of all off-limits areas for Texas CHLs (excluding federal laws)

For me, that's more useful than everything else combined.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:11 pm
by jmra
2, 3, and 5 in that order. Would also like to see the penalty in 30.06 lowered.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:14 pm
by DocV
I really was tempted to add Campus Carry but I consider that as being marginally but measurably lower in priority to the other issues.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:52 pm
by SewTexas
Campus Carry, that's a big one for me. my almost (next month) 21 year old is still talking about going to college at some point and she's planning on getting her CHL.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:16 pm
by baldeagle
SewTexas wrote:Campus Carry, that's a big one for me. my almost (next month) 21 year old is still talking about going to college at some point and she's planning on getting her CHL.
Unfortunately campus carry will never pass in Texas until we get rid of Strauss.

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:01 pm
by Wes
jmra wrote:2, 3, and 5 in that order. Would also like to see the penalty in 30.06 lowered.

You mentioned before Charles that this would have to be accompanied with another bill, is that an option with any of the above?

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:07 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Wes wrote:
jmra wrote:2, 3, and 5 in that order. Would also like to see the penalty in 30.06 lowered.

You mentioned before Charles that this would have to be accompanied with another bill, is that an option with any of the above?
If you mean the reduction of penalty for TPC §30.06, then no, it wouldn't be germane to any of the bills/issues listed. It's one of the things I mentioned that I would like to do, but it wouldn't have an impact on many people. That's why I didn't include it in the poll list.


Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:11 am
by Beiruty
I picked the most voted four choices.
1) OC for CHLers
2) Carry anywhere where LEO can, exclude Federal laws.
3) Create a substantial civil penalty for governmental agencies and political subdivisions that post unenforceable 30.06 signs [HB508 in 2013];
4) Repeal TPC §42.01(a)(8)

Re: Critical legislation for 2015

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:00 am
by Jim Beaux
I was surprised at the number who selected #9 -
"Repeal TPC §42.01(a)(8) make it unlawful to display a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to cause alarm."
Maybe Im missing something here, but why should this law be repealed? :headscratch

BTW Good survey.