CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry

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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by MechAg94 »

Yeah, this is "licenced" open carry. The people legally carrying will be the same CHL holders who have been carrying for years now without issues.

I would also say that the more recent law getting rid of traveling restrictions for non-CHL holders has also been a non-issue.

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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by MeMelYup »

The only complaint that CLEAT would have is if a police officer was killed in the line of duty by a CHL. Any officer killed by other than a CHL does not pertain to this law.

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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by K.Mooneyham »

MeMelYup wrote:The only complaint that CLEAT would have is if a police officer was killed in the line of duty by a CHL. Any officer killed by other than a CHL does not pertain to this law.
:iagree: Yep, that sounds just about right.

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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by big454 »

One thing Texans need to realize and accept is that open carry is legal and should never be outlawed again. Police need to adapt to the new law of the land. The ones that are to scared to continue policing can quit and leave it up to the ones that are willing to change with the times.
Ignorance is rampant in this part of Texas. I managed to shake it off and I am a firm believer of 2nd Amendment rights
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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

srothstein wrote:In addition to what Charles and others have posted, I like to tell people what the former president (maybe executive director, I am not sure anymore) of CLEAT told me. Back when I was an officer and was elected to a director's position in the San Antonio police union, CLEAT was asked why they endorsed candidates for office that almost no police officer would support or vote for. He pointed out that CLEAT is first and foremost a LABOR organization, not a police organization. Its members might be police officers, but the organization is a labor union and endorses candidates for their labor stance.

They know that the conservatives will always support police officers and law enforcement. They take their political stances because it helps them with their labor positions. Note that the traditional political party that is anti-gun is also the traditional party for labor to support. CLEAT knows that it can depend on the support of the Democrats when they bring up labor issues to improve their contracts because they support Democratic positions. They know they can count on the Republican support on their labor issues because no Republican wants to be cast as anti-police. I do not like this hypocrisy but I see it at work and admit it is effective.
Thanks Steve, I never knew that and it explains a great deal.

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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by VMI77 »

Uh, how can a gun that is visible be more dangerous to police than one that is concealed?
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Re: CLEAT: LEOs will pay the ultimate price for open carry


Post by Ruark »

One thing I noticed when watching the legislature was this constant, constant idolizing of "law enforcement." "Let's listen to what the TRUE experts have to say: law enforcement!"

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