HB910/SB17 standoff

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HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by Ruark »

Looks like one of those old western movies where two guys are pointing their guns at each other. Who's going to blink first?

I couldn't stand it any more. I talked to some people at the capitol, got several versions, and this is what I learned from a high level insider. I don't want to quote a specific office, because I don't want to start any finger-pointing.

SB17 has been received in the House. HB910 has been received in the Senate.

It's a certainty that either HB910 or SB17 will pass; it's just not known which one. There's currently a "stand off" between Strauss and Patrick in deciding which one to go forward with a vote. The first one to go to a vote will win, as both chambers have plenty of votes to pass. Strauss wants his bill (HB910) to pass, and Patrick wants his bill (SB17) to pass. They're stuck, of course, because each one's bill is in the OTHER one's chamber - Strauss has Patrick's bill, and Patrick has Strauss's. You first. Naaaaaw, you first. Naaaaaaw, you first.

So, politically, everybody's waiting for one of them to blink. I was reassured that one of them WILL pass, we just don't know which one yet. Of course, nobody wants to look soft and give in too easily, so right now it's a standoff. :totap:

And that, as best I can tell, is the inside scoop.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by CJD »

I prefer HB910, unamended, so it can be over with.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by The Wall »

Things to remember when you go to the voting booth. :txflag:
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by mojo84 »

It's the bill and language of the bill that counts in my book, not whether it has an HB or SB prefix. They need to get it done and both can claim victory. This childish crap drives me nuts. Kind of reminds me of the OCT and other open carry nutjobs trying to claim credit for getting it passed.

What a narcissistic world in which we live.
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by Tracker »

Well I want HB 910 for the 30.06 amendment reducing the Class A to a Class C if you fail to see the sign. Other than that what's the difference between HB 910 and SB 17? The Dutton amendment just reinforces an officer's need for "justifiable cause" before stopping to ask for a license.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by Kolamer »

Tracker wrote:Well I want HB 910 for the 30.06 amendment reducing the Class A to a Class C if you fail to see the sign. Other than that what's the difference between HB 910 and SB 17? The Dutton amendment just reinforces an officer's need for "justifiable cause" before stopping to ask for a license.
This is the same reason I also would like to see HB910 pass, but honestly at this point, a win is a win.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by v7a »

HB910 is the better bill. Get on with it, Patrick.
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by FormerTSgt »

I called state senator Schwertner's office about 30 minutes ago. The girl I spoke to confirmed that 910 was received but has no information other than that and has no idea what else is going on with it. When I asked her if they are going to do anything with it she said she honestly has no idea and that they have no information other than that it was received. When I asked why it had not been given a date on the calendar yet she said she had no clue what was going to happen with it and that they have no control over it. Honestly she did not seem to care; that's more than a bit disappointing.
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by Rvrrat14 »

Let the public choose.

Get hold of one of the news agencies and start a poll on which one is preferred by the public. Only have two choices, HB910 and SB17. Place their names on each.

Polls represent votes. Bet one of um will change their mind!

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by O.F.Fascist »

IMO the Senate should pass HB910 for licensed open carry and the house should pass SB11 for Campus Carry.

Get this over with.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by Ruark »

Rvrrat14 wrote:Let the public choose.

Get hold of one of the news agencies and start a poll on which one is preferred by the public. Only have two choices, HB910 and SB17. Place their names on each.

Polls represent votes. Bet one of um will change their mind!
That's an idea; put a little public pressure into the mix. Thing is, with the MDA loonies out there, a public poll might end up backfiring. Maybe Chas would give us a green light to push Patrick to move on HB910. Remember, whichever one goes first wins.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by DevilDawg »

Either way they better get a move on. The new A/G announced the renewed ban on semi-auto is her main goal. Bill's wife said at a $15k/plate fundraiser stated gun control is her primary domestic goal once elected. We need state legislation on the books prior to the fed passing anything else.

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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by gljjt »

Economy in the tank.
Terrorist threats higher than ever.
Disastrous foreign policy results.
Violent crime rate at a 50 year low.

Yep. We need gun control. That will fix it.
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by canvasbck »

[rant] This is absolutely pathetic! Here we are with the most conservative chambers in Texas' modern history and we are struggling to pass ONE high profile gun rights bill. With the makeup of this congress, passing HB910, SB11, and HB308 should be doable. Instead, we look like we are going to struggle with the one that does NOTHING to expand the places where we can protect ourselves. Faculty and students will continue to be vulnerable, an active shooter at a high school football game will still have a free-for-all, but hey, we should all rejoice because those in power are going to allow me to tuck in my shirt while I'm carrying provided that I only go the places that THEY will allow me to go.

Don't get me wrong, I have been vocally pro OC. I have expressed several times that I find it absurd that the difference between legally carrying and illegaly carrying is a peice of cloth. HB910/SB17 are crucial pieces of legislation for the sake of liberty. The ability to carry in whatever mode that I see fit is an expansion of liberty, but it is not an expansion in my ability to protect myself and my family. HB910/SB17 should be passed simply because it's none of the Government's buisness what manner I chose to carry my chosen tool for defense. HB308 and, to a lesser extent, SB11 should be passed because 1) the governement should not be telling law abiding citizens where they can and cannot go while engaged in legal behavior and 2) a person's need to have the ability to defend themself is just as high (higher) while returning to their car after attending a professional rodeo as it is while they are shopping at Walmart, the government should not be stripping citizens of that ability.

Strauss and Patrick need to put on their big boy panties and do the job they were sent to Austin to do and quit worrying about who gets to claim to be the author of a certain bill! Strauss needs to represent the people of Texas and not just the UT Chancellor! [/rant]
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Re: HB910/SB17 standoff


Post by XinTX »

Perhaps neither Strauss nor Patrick want any OC or CC bill to pass. They've pushed the bills through their respective chambers and are now using this ego standoff as a ruse to drop them from consideration. It's typical of pols who run as pro-2A but are actually anti. They vote for a bill they know will never pass. The only way to convince me that they are pro-2A is to pass a pro-2A bill. Until then, it makes no difference. Proof should be in the pudding. And I see no pudding on my table at this point. But what I think could happen is that both sides "agree to table the bills to work on more important issues". Perhaps that was the plan all along.

But BOTH sides need to put their over-inflated egos aside and do what we elected them to do.
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