Record vote for House Speaker?

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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by mojo84 »

Keith B wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Keith B wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Keith B wrote:As Charles stated earlier we don't know for sure how Turner would be on gun legislation.
Respectfully, yes we do know: ... LVqwaOCOrV
While that voting record looks favorable, that is not total proof that he can't be swayed by an anti-gun constituancy. I stand by my statement.
Isn't that kind of like saying, "since you have not disproven the negative, I stand by my decision to ignore the positive proof?"
You can't really tell for sure how Straus would have voted becuase as Speaker he did not vote on many of the issues. The one Guns issue he did vote on was a Yea ... us/37/guns" onclick=";return false;

I'll admit Turner looks favorable, but you never know.

He maneuvers in a way that his dirty work is done by his cronies and he doesn't have to go on record. How many guarantees are there in politics with anyone?
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by mojo84 »

baseballguy2001 wrote:Hey Mojo --

At the risk of sounding like an infamous ex-Senator -- What difference does it make?

Do you really think the vast majorioty of voters are going to take the time to look up who their rep voted for Speaker of the Texas House? Like I said earlier, we care, but we are a very small group.

This recorded vote is inside baseball stuff. Your average Texas voter doesn't give a flip.

It's our job, as citizens, to do what we can to make others aware and bring positive change. Or, we can continue to allow the status quo and just accept what is dealt us. Which do you prefer?

No. My comments are not a personal attack. I am answering a direct question and asking a direct question in return. It is not and should not be considered a personal attack.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by baseballguy2001 »

Hey Mojo --

I agree on both points. It IS up to us to educate, advocate, but I'm telling you -- It's not a lost cause, but it's a very steep climb. Of my circle of friends, me and one other have our CHLs. Nobody else does. We're talking about an 18-2 ratio here. I don't know the numbers of CHLs v regular voters, but I'm willing to bet it's hundreds of thousands v millions

I certainly didn't take your points as a personal attack, I hope you didn't think I attacked you either.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by mojo84 »

baseballguy2001 wrote:Hey Mojo --

I agree on both points. It IS up to us to educate, advocate, but I'm telling you -- It's not a lost cause, but it's a very steep climb. Of my circle of friends, me and one other have our CHLs. Nobody else does. We're talking about an 18-2 ratio here. I don't know the numbers of CHLs v regular voters, but I'm willing to bet it's hundreds of thousands v millions

I certainly didn't take your points as a personal attack, I hope you didn't think I attacked you either.

I didn't take your comments as an attack. I was making note to the mods and for the record. Pointed direct questions get construed as personal attacks at times on here.

While 2nd Amendment issues are a big driver for me. I am not against Straus' speakership for this one issue. I look at other issues such as fiscal responsibility, self-enrichment, personal agenda, personal liberty, cronyism, inappropriate influence over public universities, abortion and other such issues.

Straus is not the guy I want as speaker for many reasons.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by baseballguy2001 »

I think we agree on all those issues. And that is my part of my point. We (as part of the Texas electorate) voted for a far more conservative government last November. A number of new reps in my area voted for a new Speaker. New blood, new leadership, not the status quo. That's why Ted Cruz in in the US Senate and not David Dewhurst.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by mojo84 »

baseballguy2001 wrote:I think we agree on all those issues. And that is my part of my point. We (as part of the Texas electorate) voted for a far more conservative government last November. A number of new reps in my area voted for a new Speaker. New blood, new leadership, not the status quo. That's why Ted Cruz in in the US Senate and not David Dewhurst.
And Ted gets hammered for not falling in line too. Pretty sad state of affairs but we must keep fighting.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by ScooterSissy »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:We now have a record vote. Those who put Straus back in power will either prevail upon him to act like a Republican or suffer the consequences in 2016. This may be the best chance of forcing pro-gun bills to a vote in committee and on the House floor.

Thank you sirfor that insight. A lot of people don't understand this. There are now a bunch of people that, if he doesn't do what he's supposed to, know they're going to hear from their constituents. Those reps will be pushing him hard to do the right thing.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by fickman »

I had a conversation with a close friend who is currently the managing director of the Repeal 16, Healthcare Compact, and Campaign for Primary Accountability (she has formerly been involved with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and was President of the Grassroots Institute of Hawaii).

(I give her resume to try to demonstrate that she has skins in the game. She's a staunch conservative - even if she does lean libertarian as many in my generation tend to do.)

Anyway, we had the Strauss conversation this morning and I shared a link to this thread regarding the conversation about Turner's voting record not being robust. This was her response:
I don't know about him on gun rights, but I know he's an incredible representative, father, human, Christian, etc. He's pro-life, he's for small government, and he's much more conservative than Strauss in general - and I know this first-hand, from working with them both in the past.
I can take her word for it, but I wouldn't expect ya'll to.

Just thought somebody might find it even a little bit reassuring, even though the vote is over.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

baseballguy2001 wrote:Hey Mojo --

I agree on both points. It IS up to us to educate, advocate, but I'm telling you -- It's not a lost cause, but it's a very steep climb. Of my circle of friends, me and one other have our CHLs. Nobody else does. We're talking about an 18-2 ratio here. I don't know the numbers of CHLs v regular voters, but I'm willing to bet it's hundreds of thousands v millions

I certainly didn't take your points as a personal attack, I hope you didn't think I attacked you either.
It's roughly 850,000 CHLs out of 26.45 million million souls.....or roughly 3.2% of the population. 2 out of 18 is higher than average at 11.11%.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Confession time. I had to delete two of my own posts, then give myself some cooling off time before posting this. Several people, me included, need to take a deep breath, put emotion aside, and take a rational look at the impact of the first contested race for Speaker of the House in 40 years. Turner lost, but he did a great service for all Texans, other than ultra liberals.

Straus has helped numerous pro-gun bills pass and he has killed some pro-gun bills either in committee or the Calendars Committee. He has promoted far more bills than he has killed, though he has killed some that I consider critical.

For the first time in 40 years, we have a record vote for Speaker of the House. Obviously some people don't appreciate the importance of this vote and how it will impact this legislative session and the 2016 elections. More voters were aware of the Speaker's race this year than ever before, primarily because there was a contested race. Turner has broken the ice and we can expect to see many contested races for Speaker. That puts more pressure on the Speaker to perform up to public expectations.

Conservatives have won several seats in the Senate as well as the Lt. Governor's chair. The news media is running reports that the House till keep a lid on Lt. Gov. Patrick and the more conservative Senate. If conservative bills die in the House, you can bet that the 2016 campaigns will be broadcasting the results of the Speaker's race voting like it was a Super Bowl.

Some have argued that the public doesn't know or care about the Speaker of the House, but that ignores news reports. It also ignores how political campaigns are run. I personally don't think Straus will run in 2016, but I could be wrong. I am convinced that the Republicans who voted for him will demand that their support be rewarded and that their vote not become a political disaster. This is possible only because there was a record vote. If Straus does want to run again in 2016, he'll need those same Republicans to support him and to do that, they must be reelected. Straus already lost some of his closest Lieutenants in the primaries; he can't afford to lose more. If Straus doesn't want to run for the House in 2016, he'll run for something else. He can't afford to lose Republican support for any race he enters, nor can he alienate Texas conservatives.

I would like to have seen someone other than Straus and candidly, someone other than Turner. We need someone with clout, experience and credibility and Turner had only one of those traits. It wasn't to be, just as every experienced politico knew. But this is a new day and we have Rep. Turner to thank.

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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by SewTexas »

what we do know is 19 people who won't be heading up committees.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by jimlongley »

With all of everything else, I am gratified to see that my representative voted the way I wished.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by mojo84 »

jimlongley wrote:With all of everything else, I am gratified to see that my representative voted the way I wished.

Quit Bragging!!! :biggrinjester:

I looked mine up and on one of the Conservative scorecards, I think he scored 46 or 47. Turner was 100.
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by tomtexan »

My Rep was one of the 19.

I hope that doesn't cost him.

At the same time, I commend him!
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Re: Record vote for House Speaker?


Post by Blindref757 »

These people couldn't realistically vote for Turner...the "Turner 19" will be the last people placed on the Dog Catcher committee. Tough to go back and tell your constituents in 7 months that you fought hard for them against the SPCA in Austin as your number one fight. Sometimes the whole "elections matter" mantra is the biggest hoax!

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