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Anyone with Trijicon GL05 sights on their Glock?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:57 pm
by daniel2002p
I recently bought myself a G26 Gen 4 as my EDC and after a couple of range visits I do not like the rear sight at all. First its plastic second I just cannot get a nice sight picture.

I have some some research and I do not want any night-sight and they to me look pretty bad during the day. I found these Trijicon GL05 sights that are the standard three dot which I prefer much more.

Basically I have never replaced any sights but looking on youtube it does not seem too difficult with the right tools although I may just pay a gunsmith to install them.

Any good/bad points with the Trijicon?


Re: Anyone with Trijicon GL05 sights on their Glock?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:56 pm
by thatguy
I recently installed a set of AmeriGlo's on my Glock 17 and really like them but two years before I installed them I had simply painted the front sight red...because I am cheap.. :mrgreen:

I have had the old Tijicon before and struggled with them, especially in the daylight but I think mainly it is just getting used to whatever is on top of your pistol.

Re: Anyone with Trijicon GL05 sights on their Glock?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:19 pm
by garcia946
Most of the time if you but the sights at a gun shop they will install them for you.
I've ordered 3-4 sets of night sights for my glocks so I just got a sight tools.

Re: Anyone with Trijicon GL05 sights on their Glock?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:39 pm
by C-dub
I put a set of the HD ones on both of my .45 Glocks with the orange around the front sight. I like them in the day time better than at night. That front sight is really easy to see in the day time. The three green dots are clearly visible, but they are small compared to the Meprolights I had on my Glock 22 & 27.

Re: Anyone with Trijicon GL05 sights on their Glock?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:42 pm
by C-dub
garcia946 wrote:Most of the time if you but the sights at a gun shop they will install them for you.
I've ordered 3-4 sets of night sights for my glocks so I just got a sight tools.
:iagree: that if you buy the sights from a gun shop and they are capable of installing them they will do so and probably at no extra cost. I have purchased 4 sets of sights from The Bullet Trap and they have done this for me on each set.