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Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from him?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:37 am
by ShaneHD
I was wondering if anyone has used or ordered from Jack Johnson at" onclick=";return false;? I was thinking about ordered a horsehide IWB holster for my LC9 and another for a clip. What does everyone think?

Re: Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:50 pm
by scref
Did you order from him? If so, how is the quality? Any problems?

Re: Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:13 pm
I ordered 2 hybrid holsters from Jack Johnson at Butschers Leather, and I was highly impressed. He responded quickly and even let me schedule a time to come by his shop to pick them up. He had them ready for me in less than a week, and probably could have done it quickker if my time permitted.

The hybrid holsters fit my guns well, and feel comfortable. I would recommend him to anyone, and I'm actually going to order some custom stuff from him too.

Re: Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:23 pm
by DJM
Just ordered from him on Wednesday and should be picking it up today.
I'll provide feed back once I have it in hand.

Re: Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:36 pm
by baldeagle
I ordered one and wore it for about a week. I found it harder to put on compared to the CompTac, but it was comfortable once I had it in place. I did not at all like the metal clips, which scratched my belt and disfigured it. I quit wearing it. It's been sitting on the shelf for a while now.

Re: Butschers Leather (DFW Local) - Has anyone ordered from

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:58 pm
by DJM
I've been rocking mine a little over a week now with my XD SC 9mm and I have to say its the best holster I've ever owned.

Definitely an improvement from the first few holsters I've tried out. (VersaCarry and a SmartCarry)
Only had my plastic in hand of 2 weeks but who's counting. :lol: