Review of VATA Group Training (Pistol)

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Review of VATA Group Training (Pistol)


Post by RKirkwood »

I just finished 2 days training with the VATA Group out of Slidell, LA. The 2, one day courses were Intro to Tactical Pistol and Tactical Pistol 1. Day 1 started out in the class room for a hour covering safety and gear setup then it was off to the range. Again a safety brief before heading down range to our targets. Our group of 18 ranged from very experienced shooters to 1 with very limited experience. We started with some basic drill for accuracy the to what is acceptable for tactical shooting. Each drill was demo and when we were shooting the 3 instructors watch and help correct issues. One instructor stayed with the least experienced to ensure everything went smooth. Malfunction drills were also done.

The second day was Tactical Pistol 1. Drills ran faster and you were expected to be able to handle malfunction during the drills but the instructors were always there if you needed assistance. The afternoon was barricades drills shoot at steel which was great. I would highly recommend these courses.

The training was good and fun, without making you feel like you were in boot camp. The main instructor is ex-military and still does some work overseas doing security and training. The other 2 instructor we SWAT officers from the area.

I got 2 videos of the last 2 drill but don't how to attach them. If anyone is interested I can email them to you.
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