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Intermediate CHL defensive Handgun course, June 30.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:37 pm
by txinvestigator
I will be conducting an intermediate CHL defensive handgun course on June 30, 2007, at APG just west of Greenville, TX.

Anyone without a CHL will need to get prior approval for attendance.

The class will be 8 hours in length and will cover basic defensive skills. We will focus on fundamentals, marksmanship, proper drawing from concealment, increasing the speed of drawing and shooting, clearing stoppages, cover and concealment, reload drills, basic close quarters drills, turns and other drills.

No "Hondo rolls" or SWAT type stuff, just good old defensive shooting.

The class will be 8 hours and require an investment of only $150 per shooter. PM for more details, and feel free to tell others.