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North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:39 am
by pwd
Has anyone attended a class (like "Combat Handgun I") at North Texas Tactical Training in DFW? Their website has some info, but I couldn't find where they actually meet. Any experiences would be appreciated.

Re: North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:18 am
by CodeJockey
I'd be interested in this as well both for shotgun and handgun. The website wasn't very informative. I would be curious as to the instructors credentials and background as well.

Re: North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:42 am
by AEA
How about here:

They have several courses under Handgun Tactics and they are both full time Police Officers.

I am not associated with this group, other than I got my renewal from them and they are top notch.

Re: North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:29 am
by fm2
I think they have different ranges they hold classes at. Contact the instructor for the info.

This looks like Steve Moses site.

I Think there are some posts on glocktalk about his courses, a search there will probably get you some info. about the instruction etc...

Re: North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:25 am
by pwd
Hany Mahmoud holds a Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of
Texas at Arlington, a Master Peace Officers license, and is currently a full-time Peace Officer in the
DFW area. In addition to graduating from both TCLEOSE and FBI firearms instructor schools, Hany has
attended and successfully completed dozens of firearms and tactics oriented classes from some of the
best instructors in the country. Some of these schools include Thunder Ranch, Paul Howe’s Combat
Shooting and Tactics, Insights training Center, ALERRT Active Shooter Instructor School, Jeff
Gonzales’ Trident Concepts, John Farnam’s DTI, Louis Awerbucks Yavapai Firearms Academy,Tom
Givens RANGEMASTER and other pistol, shotgun, rifle, TASER and defensive tactics courses. In
addition to his regular duties Hany is also his department’s firearms instructor, armorer and serves on a
high risk entry and escort team. When not instructing for his department or in the private sector, Hany
frequently teaches firearms to cadets at the police academy.
Copied from:

Re: North Texas Tactical Training

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:24 pm
by rdy357
They hold classes at Texas Tactical in Weatherford, TX.