Church Security Case History
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:37 pm
I did a write up regarding Church Security Case History. Thanks to Mike S for some of these references. Wanted to pass it along. Your thoughts are welcome.
Church Security: Securing the flock
In Virginia in the early 1600s, men were required to bring their firearms to church for fear of Indian attacks.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
-1 Peter 5:8
David said to his men, “Each of you strap on your sword!” So they did, and David strapped his on as well. About four hundred men went up with David, while two hundred stayed with the supplies
-1 Samuel 25:13
Today we are re-learning what our ancestors knew 400 years ago. The threat to our churches is real. The danger is not only inside the building or during church services, but also after hours and especially in the parking lot.
Case history:
Sutherland Springs church shooting (2017) Dishonorably discharged perpetrator entered the sanctuary through a right side door, where worshippers were attending regular Sunday service. After entering, perp yelled, "Everybody dies, ..." as he proceeded up and down the center aisle and shot at people in the pews. Police found 15 empty magazines capable of holding 30 rounds each. Authorities stated perp fired approximately 450 rounds during the estimated 11-minute long shooting. Footage shows perp methodically shooting the victims, pausing only to reload his AR-15 rifle.
Stephen Willeford, former NRA firearms instructor heard the shooting, grabbed his AR-15 and began loading his magazine as he ran barefoot to the scene. Stephen Willeford fired upon and hit the perp in the leg and torso forcing him to flee. The perp dropped his rifle after being shot, but continued to fire at Willeford with a handgun. The perp fled in his vehicle while Willeford flagged down a passing vehicle to pursue. The perp crashed his vehicle after a five to seven minute pursuit. Willeford covered the threat vehicle with his rifle. Perp made a final phonecall indicating he was mortally wounded and then committed suicide. The final result was 26 dead and 22 wounded. Victims’ families sued the church, alleging inadequate security measures to protect its congregation.
Lessons learned:
• If the church is unprepared many people might die in an attack with a major lawsuit to follow.
• The best defense to such an attack is a well trained defender launching a counter-attack against perpetrator.
Lakewood Church (Feb. 2024) Violent schizophrenic with AR-15 and fake bomb attacks Lakewood Church in Houston during church services. She brings young son as a human shield. Lakewood paid numerous uniformed off duty LEOs to provide security. One paid LEO posted at the entrance is looking at his phone as the shooter walks by him into the church. When the perp opened fire, this LEO accidentally shot the son instead of the perp. LEO then hides and remains out of the fight, along with many other paid LEOs who take cover rather than engage. Armed church member (unpaid off duty LEO) responds and stops threat after 4 minute gunfight that includes defender magazine change. A locked sanctuary kept church members in the massive sanctuary safe. Only perp is killed, but the son is now in a vegetative state.
Lessons learned:
• You not only need the tools and skills to fight back, but also the will to do so.
• No one has more interest in your church members well being than other church members.
• It requires a high level of skill to both AVOID hitting non-threats and also to engage a rifle armed attacker.
• With security work there is the potential to need more than one magazine of ammunition.
• Deter, Deny, Defend
White Settlement (2019) In the middle of a church service at West Freeway Church of Christ, a mentally ill perpetrator with a history of violence wearing a fake beard and wig drew a shotgun from under his coat. Upon the perpetrator drawing his shotgun, churchgoers Richard White and Jack Wilson both drew their pistols. However, as they were drawing their pistols, the perpetrator opened fire, killing White with a single shot before immediately turning and firing his second shot at an unarmed deacon, killing him. The perpetrator then turned to his left and ran towards the pastor, presumably to open fire on the crowd, and was then shot dead by Wilson. Wilson initially had a woman blocking his line of sight to the threat. Wilson had the good judgement to wait until he had a clear shot to the threat. The fight was stopped with a single headshot at distance of approximately 15 yards. Wilson ended the attack in only 6 seconds. Five or six other members of the church assembly also drew their own weapons in response to the shooting but only Wilson's weapon was fired. Church security team trained 80 hours the year before the attack.
Lessons learned:
• Organization and training win fights. Speed, surprise, and momentum is key.
• The sooner you stop the threat, the more lives are saved.
• You need to be able to quickly get your concealed pistol in the fight and hit difficult targets under stress, while ensuring the safety of bystanders.
• Poor tactics and training can get you killed. If you give away the initiative with slow, obvious, and ineffective actions you may not get a second chance.
Calvary Church, Albuquerque, N.M. (2022) – Armed church security team member closing parking lot on Friday night was murdered while checking on a suspicious truck. Daniel Bourne was run over twice in the parking lot by another church member with a history of domestic abuse and child molestation. Mr. Bourne hit the perp’s vehicle door with one round of 9mm before he died. The photos of the license plates Daniel Bourne sent to his supervisor allowed the police to locate the killer and convict him of first degree murder.
Lessons Learned:
• Parking lots are the primary danger area
• We are not law enforcement. Our primary task is to record and report suspicious information to higher authorities, not to confront.
• Vehicle stops are dangerous, and best carried out by a team with specialized training
Epicenter Church, Burnet, TX (October 2024) – Church security team member Jacob Wayne Tarver discharges firearm in church parking lot and makes false statements to police about an attack on the church. Tarver was arrested and charged with False Report to Induce an Emergency Response(a Class A Misdemeanor), Tampering With Or Fabricating Physical Evidence (a 3rd-Degree Felony), and Deadly Conduct (a 3rd-Degree Felony). He was jailed in the Burnet County Jail.
Lessons Learned:
• Screening is vital for church security work
• Integrity is essential
Rock Pentecostal Church, Mississippi (2023) – Armed church security team member and off duty deputy George Ryan Walters shot James Corey Donald in the back as he was running away in the church parking lot after an altercation where words were exchanged and Walters initiated force. George Ryan Walters also kicked Donald in the head when he fell to the ground after being shot. George Ryan Walters was sentenced to 20 years after pleading guilty to second-degree murder.
Lessons Learned:
• De-escalation is a vital primary tool. You need to know how to communicate effectively with people.
• Stay at your post. If you un-necessarily pursue you leave your congregation vulnerable and put everyone (including yourself) at greater risk.
• We are not law enforcement.
Church Security: Securing the flock
In Virginia in the early 1600s, men were required to bring their firearms to church for fear of Indian attacks.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
-1 Peter 5:8
David said to his men, “Each of you strap on your sword!” So they did, and David strapped his on as well. About four hundred men went up with David, while two hundred stayed with the supplies
-1 Samuel 25:13
Today we are re-learning what our ancestors knew 400 years ago. The threat to our churches is real. The danger is not only inside the building or during church services, but also after hours and especially in the parking lot.
Case history:
Sutherland Springs church shooting (2017) Dishonorably discharged perpetrator entered the sanctuary through a right side door, where worshippers were attending regular Sunday service. After entering, perp yelled, "Everybody dies, ..." as he proceeded up and down the center aisle and shot at people in the pews. Police found 15 empty magazines capable of holding 30 rounds each. Authorities stated perp fired approximately 450 rounds during the estimated 11-minute long shooting. Footage shows perp methodically shooting the victims, pausing only to reload his AR-15 rifle.
Stephen Willeford, former NRA firearms instructor heard the shooting, grabbed his AR-15 and began loading his magazine as he ran barefoot to the scene. Stephen Willeford fired upon and hit the perp in the leg and torso forcing him to flee. The perp dropped his rifle after being shot, but continued to fire at Willeford with a handgun. The perp fled in his vehicle while Willeford flagged down a passing vehicle to pursue. The perp crashed his vehicle after a five to seven minute pursuit. Willeford covered the threat vehicle with his rifle. Perp made a final phonecall indicating he was mortally wounded and then committed suicide. The final result was 26 dead and 22 wounded. Victims’ families sued the church, alleging inadequate security measures to protect its congregation.
Lessons learned:
• If the church is unprepared many people might die in an attack with a major lawsuit to follow.
• The best defense to such an attack is a well trained defender launching a counter-attack against perpetrator.
Lakewood Church (Feb. 2024) Violent schizophrenic with AR-15 and fake bomb attacks Lakewood Church in Houston during church services. She brings young son as a human shield. Lakewood paid numerous uniformed off duty LEOs to provide security. One paid LEO posted at the entrance is looking at his phone as the shooter walks by him into the church. When the perp opened fire, this LEO accidentally shot the son instead of the perp. LEO then hides and remains out of the fight, along with many other paid LEOs who take cover rather than engage. Armed church member (unpaid off duty LEO) responds and stops threat after 4 minute gunfight that includes defender magazine change. A locked sanctuary kept church members in the massive sanctuary safe. Only perp is killed, but the son is now in a vegetative state.
Lessons learned:
• You not only need the tools and skills to fight back, but also the will to do so.
• No one has more interest in your church members well being than other church members.
• It requires a high level of skill to both AVOID hitting non-threats and also to engage a rifle armed attacker.
• With security work there is the potential to need more than one magazine of ammunition.
• Deter, Deny, Defend
White Settlement (2019) In the middle of a church service at West Freeway Church of Christ, a mentally ill perpetrator with a history of violence wearing a fake beard and wig drew a shotgun from under his coat. Upon the perpetrator drawing his shotgun, churchgoers Richard White and Jack Wilson both drew their pistols. However, as they were drawing their pistols, the perpetrator opened fire, killing White with a single shot before immediately turning and firing his second shot at an unarmed deacon, killing him. The perpetrator then turned to his left and ran towards the pastor, presumably to open fire on the crowd, and was then shot dead by Wilson. Wilson initially had a woman blocking his line of sight to the threat. Wilson had the good judgement to wait until he had a clear shot to the threat. The fight was stopped with a single headshot at distance of approximately 15 yards. Wilson ended the attack in only 6 seconds. Five or six other members of the church assembly also drew their own weapons in response to the shooting but only Wilson's weapon was fired. Church security team trained 80 hours the year before the attack.
Lessons learned:
• Organization and training win fights. Speed, surprise, and momentum is key.
• The sooner you stop the threat, the more lives are saved.
• You need to be able to quickly get your concealed pistol in the fight and hit difficult targets under stress, while ensuring the safety of bystanders.
• Poor tactics and training can get you killed. If you give away the initiative with slow, obvious, and ineffective actions you may not get a second chance.
Calvary Church, Albuquerque, N.M. (2022) – Armed church security team member closing parking lot on Friday night was murdered while checking on a suspicious truck. Daniel Bourne was run over twice in the parking lot by another church member with a history of domestic abuse and child molestation. Mr. Bourne hit the perp’s vehicle door with one round of 9mm before he died. The photos of the license plates Daniel Bourne sent to his supervisor allowed the police to locate the killer and convict him of first degree murder.
Lessons Learned:
• Parking lots are the primary danger area
• We are not law enforcement. Our primary task is to record and report suspicious information to higher authorities, not to confront.
• Vehicle stops are dangerous, and best carried out by a team with specialized training
Epicenter Church, Burnet, TX (October 2024) – Church security team member Jacob Wayne Tarver discharges firearm in church parking lot and makes false statements to police about an attack on the church. Tarver was arrested and charged with False Report to Induce an Emergency Response(a Class A Misdemeanor), Tampering With Or Fabricating Physical Evidence (a 3rd-Degree Felony), and Deadly Conduct (a 3rd-Degree Felony). He was jailed in the Burnet County Jail.
Lessons Learned:
• Screening is vital for church security work
• Integrity is essential
Rock Pentecostal Church, Mississippi (2023) – Armed church security team member and off duty deputy George Ryan Walters shot James Corey Donald in the back as he was running away in the church parking lot after an altercation where words were exchanged and Walters initiated force. George Ryan Walters also kicked Donald in the head when he fell to the ground after being shot. George Ryan Walters was sentenced to 20 years after pleading guilty to second-degree murder.
Lessons Learned:
• De-escalation is a vital primary tool. You need to know how to communicate effectively with people.
• Stay at your post. If you un-necessarily pursue you leave your congregation vulnerable and put everyone (including yourself) at greater risk.
• We are not law enforcement.