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AAR: Lone Star Medics - Medic 2

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 8:44 pm
by Paladin
Completed Lone Star Medics 2-day "Medic 2" class this weekend.

This course is designed for the layperson with some previous medical training that wants to increase their medical education for home, travel, and family readiness. I had previously completed Dynamic First Aid and various other medical first responder training.

Some of the subjects covered in class:
- Scene Size-Up; intro to triage systems for mass casualty incidents
- Basic anatomy and physiology for the layperson
- Vital signs and other secondary patient assessment fundamentals
- Patient assessment techniques for both medical and traumatic patients
- Head trauma
- Intro to K9 medical emergencies
- Wound management; irrigation/debridement, closure techniques, follow-up care
- Infectious diseases and recommended immunizations for overseas adventures
- Review of common medications for travel and at home; OTC, intro to pharmacology
- Foot care and injury prevention
- Food and water for family preparedness; procurement, storage, handling, food/waterborne illness
- Medical equipment selection for the home, travel, and family readiness

We got briefed on the techniques EMT's use to assess patients as well as getting to practice using manual blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes. We also got to practice cleaning lacerations as well as suturing and stapling wounds closed. Removing medical staples was also covered.

One of the more helpful aspects of the class was a personal medical kit evaluation. Caleb evaluated our on body and vehicle kits. In my vehicle I had collected a lot of items over the last 15 years. While I had insured key medical items were up to date, there were a lot of older items that needed to be refreshed or just removed.

Caleb also had a lot of good advice on what equipment to get in relation to my now expanded skills.

Re: AAR: Lone Star Medics - Medic 2

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:09 pm
by Paladin
One other interesting tidbit was that Caleb mentioned a study that those who had medical training had half the rate of PTSD after combat. Apparently knowing what to do when things go wrong is not only important in the moment, but also winning the fight after the fight.

Re: AAR: Lone Star Medics - Medic 2

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 6:44 pm
by oljames3
Caleb Causey will be back at KR Training in December.
Skills Lab Delta
Dec 14, 8a-noon
A-Zone Range

Skills Lab Alpha
Dec 14, 1p-5p
A-Zone Range