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Shivworks Fighting Handgun DVD

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:49 am
by Paladin
I just got the chance to see the Shivworks Fighting Handgun DVD discussed here: ... php?t=5795

The first half is all about building some basic tools for extreme close quarters gunfighting. The beginning is slow but essential. Things really get going in the second half of the DVD. SouthNarc demonstrates his very impressive (0 to 5 foot range) skills. Although he doesn't recommend it, he even does some pretty impressive demonstrations with ground fighting with a gun.

Southnarc shows dry practice, range drills, and force-on-force demonstrations. The force-on-force portion is done with Simunitions.

I was a bit surprised that Southnarc didn't suggest using airsoft replicas for training. Airsoft is cheaper and easier to get than Simunitions... and it’s safer and easier to start with than live-fire range drills.

I was also hoping for a demonstration on fouling an opponents draw while safely doing your own draw. But I think I may be able to improvise if I watch the some of the moves again.

Overall I was very impressed. If you're looking to develop some extreme close range (0 to 5 ft) combatives/gunfighting skills... it's worth seeing.

Re: Shivworks Fighting Handgun DVD

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:31 pm
by fm2
Paladin wrote: I was a bit surprised that Southnarc didn't suggest using airsoft replicas for training. Airsoft is cheaper and easier to get than Simunitions... and it’s safer and easier to start with than live-fire range drills..
Good idea on using, Airsoft replicas to develop the proper drawstroke. The downside to the Airsoft replicas is that they don't hold up for long when you start adding in some contact and an aggressor.

Paladin wrote: I was also hoping for a demonstration on fouling an opponents draw while safely doing your own draw.
What kind of position were you thinking about? Standing? Grounded? It can turn into gun grappling pretty quick.

It seems to me that bettering your position is the way to go.

As an aside, I think his PUC DVD will be coming out soon. :grin: