September Taining Opportunity

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September Taining Opportunity


Post by TEX »

Paul Howe of Combat Shooting and Tactics is holding a 3-day combination course (pistol/rifle) on September 9,10 & 11 at his facility in Nacogdoches, TX. I have never taken one of his courses, but several folks who have, and whom I know to have high standards, seemed duly impressed. I am scheduled to take the September combo course, and I am posting this in an effort to increase the likely hood that the class will fill completely up. I keep pretty close tabs on training opportunities in the Houston and surrounding area, but only found out about this instructor by over hearing a conversation at an IDPA match. Although not mentioned on his web page credentials, Paul was one of the Delta Team rescuers in the Black Hawk Down incident and is mentioned on numerous occasions in the book about it. If you have never read the book, you missed a hell of a read. If you are looking for quality instruction, this should be an excellent way to spend a few September days. Nacogdoches is a reasonable driving distance from Houston, Dallas or even Austin,. His web page is at

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