Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)

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Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Paladin »

A recent U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command survey of Soldiers in combat units found that TCCC is the second most valued element of their training, exceeded only by training in the use of their individual weapons
Military units that have trained all of their members in TCCC have documented the lowest incidence of preventable deaths among their casualties in the history of modern warfare. TCCC is now used by all services in the U.S. Military and many allied nations as well to care for their combat wounded. TCCC-based prehospital trauma training is now becoming widespread in the US civilian sector as well.
TCCC Curriculum website

If you click on "PowerPoint Presentations" it will bring up a list of presentations, with embedded videos, that explain what TCCC is and how it works. Not the same as a hands on training course, but still valuable

Here are a list of the presentations:
Care Under Fire
Tactical Field Care
Tactical Evacuation Care
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Re: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Tex1961 »

How many of you carry a first aid / trauma kit to the range.

I put together a full kit, everything from regular bandaids to Isrraily bandages, blood clot power and bandages, splints, etc.. Actually I have 2 kits, one for my range bag and one for home...

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Re: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Jose_in_Dallas »

I really need to invest in an IFAK, a tourniquet, and medical training. Especially the training. I've been on a tear lately with gun training but really need to know how to treat something other than a basic cut.
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Re: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Just becoming CPR trained and proficient in "stopping the bleed" is a huge step.

Also understanding the need to make sure that the scene is secure and knowing how to provide accurate scene information to the 911 operator would rank right up there as well.
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Re: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Paladin »

Master Sgt. (ret) Kyle Lamb has indicated that modern infantry first aid kits were developed as a result of combat experience in Mogadishu (link, approx. 1 hour mark)

Modern kits contain Combat Gauze, a tourniquet, and chest seals.
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Re: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)


Post by Paladin »

Stop the Bleed is a FREE short course that was developed out of TCCC.

CERT is FREE as well and includes basic medical as well as other training:
Medical Operations Part I: Participants practice diagnosing and treating airway obstruction, bleeding and shock by using simple triage and rapid treatment techniques.

Medical Operations Part II: Covers evaluating patients by doing a head to toe assessment, establishing a medical treatment area and performing basic first aid.
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