Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a gun.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a gun.


Post by Feed&Guns »

superchief wrote:I'm not trying to put down any CHL holders/carriers, whether they train or not. You don't have to take training to exercise your 1st amendment rights, so I support no requirement to be a good shot to practice your 2nd amendment rights.

The thread started out with whether people should be exposed to [Pre-paid legal service] or other products during class. My comment was only intended to point out how important legal representation will be when one of the 914K does have to fire their gun in hate.

It would seem your legal troubles (if it's a justified shooting) will be fewer if you can X-ring the bad guy while moving, sitting on the ground, laying on the ground, with your other hand, etc. If you can't, you might go from justified shooting to being the killer of a child behind your target. The way I've seen many students shoot, the world needs to be wearing kevlar.
I think you meant "in haste". "In hate" might require more than just legal protection. In fact, if used in the act of a crime, these pre-paid legal things won't pay.

As for as supporting no requirement to be a good shot, I supposed that's a logical argument. Of course, the consequences of exercising your 1st amendment "without training" might, at best, make you look like a fool or, at worst, get you a punch in the mouth. But exercising your 2nd amendment rights "without training" might land you in jail for 20 years and lose most of your hard earned worldly possessions. Just imagine what would have happened if one of the two misses of Officer Wilson had hit an innocent kid 500 yards down range. "Hands up, don't shoot" would be the least of his worries!

As for the OP, in my last class, I simply cited the written statute that says basically, "this defense to criminal prosecution does not extend to limiting civil liability" or something like that. It's actually written in the code, I think, in the Deadly Force section. That's a natural place to insert the "see me after class for information about [pre paid legal]." I'm also going to add to my already long 4 hour class about 30 minutes worth of basic ammo, holster, and firearm selection. We do advanced classes too but I figure I can just brush on it in the CHL class. Of course, we sell guns, ammo, and holsters. But I can just imagine the girl who gets her CHL and barely shoots a qualifying score, and loaded her ammo backwards, decides to put the ball ammo in her carry gun because "it's cheaper". So, they all need a quick overview on ammo and stuff. I'm getting a projector today so I can put pictures and whatnot in the presentation. Point being, just because we sell something, that shouldn't mean we shouldn't talk about it in class as long as it's relevant. The CHL class is required to teach four modules but it even has room on the chl-100 for adding other material that you talk about. So, ya, they paid for the class but that doesn't mean it's abhorrent to discuss relevant things that might cost money. I also mention that we have advanced classes they can take later. Is that taboo because those aren't included or required?
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