Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a gun.

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Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a gun.


Post by steveincowtown »

Absolutely beside myself on this one....

Had friends over Saturday night to swim and try to avoid the heat. After a couple hours one of my wifes friend's husband casually brings up he just got his CHL (he knows I am a gun guy, but not that I carry). He then proceeds to tell me that he is on the fence about getting a gun due to the fact that the instructor told him that in pretty much any situation that you shoot, whether you are justified or not, you will end up in jail and will need the services of (well known prepaid law firm).

I informed him that this was not necessarily correct and that more than likely the instructor was selling these services on commission for (well known prepaid law firm). I then showed him a ton of newspaper articles where people were justified in shooting and never had to visit a police station, much less sit in jail.

He still was vary wary stating that "what is the use of having a gun to defend yourself it you are just going to get in trouble if you do."

So hats off to that CHL instructor. :tiphat: And the (well know prepaid law firm). :tiphat:

You not only managed to cost some gun shop a sale, but managed to turn someone off some much by your sales pitch that is has chosen not to become a member of the CHL community.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by joe817 »

He needs to be educated by well informed people.

Invite him to become a Forum member, and let him see the light!
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

That's infuriating and completely bogus. I suspect you're right and it was part of a sales pitch.

Chas. :banghead:
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by TxRVer »

Remind him if he does go to jail it's because he just saved his own life or the lives of his family. Besides, going to jail is only a possibility. Not a probability.
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by SewTexas »

ah geez :roll:
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Jago668 »

Yeah when my girlfriend took her chl class she got the same pitch. She was none too impressed with the class, and basically didn't learn much. When I took mine we got a little blue booklet with the laws in it, and a notebook with the course bullet points in it so we could take notes. We got to keep it all and the pen. Her class got nothing, and she said they were packed in like sardines. Range was so small they were running people through their shooting during the lecture so they weren't there another couple of hours. Difference between full price and groupon class.

So make sure to tell people to go for the better classes even if they pay full price.
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Abraham »

Here's a thought.

In advance of taking your CHL class, research whether the (well known prepaid law firm) will NOT be part and parcel of your class.

If it is, don't take that class.

There are plenty of CHL classes that do not have the (well known prepaid law firm) represented.

Any instructor willing to have (well known prepaid law firm) presenting sales pitch to your CHL class are to be avoided like the plague.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Taypo »

They were at our class as well, but they came in on a break to do the sermon. Folks who wanted to listen were welcome to, the rest of us stepped out.

I don't mind then presenting the info as long as I'm not paying for the sales pitch and they aren't trying to scare people into it, which sounds like what they did here.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Abraham »

I find sales pitches highly inappropriate when attending a CHL class.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Countryside »

He's got a CHL...but has no gun to conceal? :headscratch
Spock would say that's not logical.

And...being a dead victim....or a family member being a dead a better outcome than him maybe/possibly going to jail??
You're chances of getting out of jail are better than getting yourself or a loved one out of being "dead." For me it's no contest.

Of course, legal issues after an act of defense could be an issue...I'm not saying it couldn't happen.
I myself have personally thought about maybe getting CCWSafe...$99 a year.
But being alive is still a plus.

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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by cb1000rider »

Abraham wrote:I find sales pitches highly inappropriate when attending a CHL class.
I do too. I assume the relationship exists for the financial benefit of the instructor.
Although ours swore up and down that he didn't get "anything" from said well known law-whatever...
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by Crossfire »

cb1000rider wrote:
Abraham wrote:I find sales pitches highly inappropriate when attending a CHL class.
I do too. I assume the relationship exists for the financial benefit of the instructor.
Although ours swore up and down that he didn't get "anything" from said well known law-whatever...
Yeah.... right. Somebody is getting something for this.
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a


Post by ArmedAndPolite »

Crossfire wrote:
cb1000rider wrote:
Abraham wrote:I find sales pitches highly inappropriate when attending a CHL class.
I do too. I assume the relationship exists for the financial benefit of the instructor.
Although ours swore up and down that he didn't get "anything" from said well known law-whatever...
Yeah.... right. Somebody is getting something for this.
My class had a pitch also. I remember the pitch went something like,

"Defending yourself can cost over $100,000, even if you're innocent! But if you pay only 99$ per year, you're covered!"

I know sales and they sold pretty hard.
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Re: Instructor manages to scare student into not carrying a gun.


Post by tlt »

The same thing happened to my daughter in FL. Took the class, and did not get a CHL. Works in high risk low income neighborhoods.
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