" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
RogueUSMC wrote:after 7 days?
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-leg ... 28498.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- The Texas Legislature ended its third special session Monday after passing a bill and a proposed constitutional amendment that would boost spending for roads and bridge.
I agree. Neither will Patrick, Carona or Straus.JJVP wrote: Like I have said before, Perry will never get my vote again, no matter what he runs for.l
bayouhazard wrote:I agree. Neither will Patrick, Carona or Straus.JJVP wrote: Like I have said before, Perry will never get my vote again, no matter what he runs for.l
I have also taken the extra step to warn every pro gun person I know in other states how little Perry is willing to do to help pro gun laws get to his desk. The ones in early primary states especially deserve to know he's all talk and no action when it comes to gun rights.
It's just as well. Patrick probably would have changed the campus carry bill at the last minute so it only applied to elected officials.JCole wrote:The special session is over.
viewtopic.php?f=125&t=68117. Patrick had a big part in killing HB508.SewTexas wrote:I understand and agree with Straus and will do what I can to make sure he isn't re-elected as his district is right next to mine, but why would you be upset with Patrick? he's proposed pro-gun leg every chance he's had, not only that he's fought for it, loudly!
Patrick is running for Lt. Governor. He may be OK, but Jerry Patterson is a better first choice.SewTexas wrote:from what I read it was Patrick and Corona both, but without Perry and Strauss it wasn't going to happen anyway, not enough to wreck a man in my book, sorry. He's pro-gun and pro-life, and he has a record....1) you'd have to find someone willing to run against him, good luck on that, 2) that person would have to win, I doubt that would happen 3) then you would have an unknown in the position with no record
Put that energy to work down here trying to get Strauss out, PLEASE!!!! let's get the ones out that need getting out. If someone made a mistake, let them know, but meanwhile, there are much more important battles to fight.
I'm not going to forgive somebody who shoots at me, even if they miss.SewTexas wrote:from what I read it was Patrick and Corona both, but without Perry and Strauss it wasn't going to happen anyway, not enough to wreck a man in my book, sorry.