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WTS-New Seecamp .25 and new holster

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:28 pm
by lws380
Seecamp has recently started making their .25 caliber pistol again with limited supply. I have a NIB, .25 for sale and a new custom pocket holster with it.
$500 (MSRP buying direct retail from Seecamp is $565) for the pistol and $65 for the new pocket holster. The pocket holster is mahogany cow hide with a black cow hide accent/thumb push off. The panel of the holster is removable with two Chicago screws so the holster can be used as a front pocket or back pocket holster. TX sales tax applies. NICS paperwork applies and no FFL fees. I prefer face to face sale, but will ship to your FFL and shipping fees apply. PM me if interested or if any questions.



Re: WTS-New Seecamp .25 and new holster

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 5:25 pm
by lws380
I will upgrade the holster to horse hide construction and add an exotic accent for the same price (65.00). Typically would run $105 as horse hide construction and exotic accent/push off.

Re: WTS-New Seecamp .25 and new holster

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:26 pm
by madwildcat
I could be wrong (and hopefully one of the mods will correct me if I am), but I believe this portion of the forum is for personal firearms only. If you are charging TX sales tax, that implies this is commercial and should be posted in the Commercial section.

Re: WTS-New Seecamp .25 and new holster

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:40 pm
by bmwrdr
For a ftf transfer a location or area should be announced and the cash price can't include tax if it is a private sale.
It would be a good deal though.