WTS/T Springfield EMP .40 Caliber
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:13 pm
So I traded to acquire the EMP for my wife to try and she doesn't it like it, but apparently her tastes run similar to mine because she is more interested in an STI Shadow. How cool is that? Needless to say, I am putting it up for sale because the grip is small for me. It has some spots on the left side where the finish has rubbed off as this was a carry gun. I also have six magazines that go with it. I'll start at $850 and work from there. As for trades, she is looking for the STI Shadow in .45
2012-08-23_13-38-20_769 by jeolds, on Flickr
2012-08-23_13-38-06_759 by jeolds, on Flickr
2012-08-23_13-38-28_657 by jeolds, on Flickr
2012-08-23_13-38-20_769 by jeolds, on Flickr
2012-08-23_13-38-06_759 by jeolds, on Flickr
2012-08-23_13-38-28_657 by jeolds, on Flickr