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Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:29 pm
by uthornsfan
I have lots of .223, 9mm, .45, and .308 ammo. All ammo is factory ammo, no reloads. The .308 it is Hirtenberger surplus, unopened boxes.

I don't have lots of .22lr :)

I don't plan on gouging or being ridiculous so if you bought ammo at gouged prices I am sorry, but I am not willing to trade at that exchange if that makes sense.

.223 = $.33 per
.45 = $.27 per
9mm = $.20 per
.308 = $.50 per

I would expect .22lr in the $.04 to $.06 per, range for plinking ammo.

Examples being
500 rounds of .22 for 50 rounds of .308
500 rounds of .22 for 75 rounds of .223
500 rounds of .22 for 125 rounds of 9mm
500 rounds of .22 for 100 rounds of .45

I am located in the Manor TX/Austin TX area. Looking for 500-1500 rounds of .22LR total.


Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:50 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
I get what you are feeling but disagree that anyone is being gouged by current ammo prices. What we have is the law of supply and demand at work. The same law of supply and demand that applies to any commodity. Why would I sell ammo at what I paid for it two years ago when it would cost me double that to replace it?

Either way, if you use current pricing on all the ammo you are willing to trade and current pricing for all the ammo you want to trade for, it ends up being the same number of rounds.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:14 pm
by uthornsfan
Im not talking about what you get at the stores.. Although I still am not interested in paying those prices either ;)

I was talking about the people who wait in line at Academy and then resell on TGT or Armslist.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:21 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
uthornsfan wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:14 pm Im not talking about what you get at the stores.. Although I still am not interested in paying those prices either ;)

I was talking about the people who wait in line at Academy and then resell on TGT or Armslist.
Sometimes I can be naive...LOL. I did not think of the low life's pulling that garbage. Now that you mention it, I am sure they are out there.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:27 pm
by Teamless
If you were in Galveston county (or near) I would do it
Do you get this way?

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:37 pm
by Greybeard
If any plans to be in the North Dallas or Denton area, I know a guy ;-) who has an unopened bucket of 1400 Remington Golden boolits. And likes 9mm fmj by major manufacturers. And has been known to do a little horse tradin'. :mrgreen:

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:50 pm
by krieghoff
What brand and bullet type are the 223's? Also, what brand .22 hits your fancy?

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:55 pm
by howdy
I am not buying ammo because I am well stocked. I just checked on "ammo seek" and 22LR is going for 20 cents a round and 9mm is going for 60.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:34 am
by Syntyr
I have 8k+ of 22lr. Bought it back when you could get the 555 round packs for 15 bucks. It was the best of times, to borrow a phrase. I would go to the range and go through a whole box and have a blast. Walk away carefree as could be.

I haven't shot any meaningful amounts of 22lr in 3 years. I use it to teach newbies. For some reason it pains me more to shoot 22lr than 9mm or 45.

Dang progressives and ammo resellers have taken all the fun out it!

Good luck with the trade!

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:34 pm
by uthornsfan
I might get up to the Dallas area in the next couple of months :lol::

Also, I am not picky about brand as long, just using it for plinking and shooting cowbirds when I see em.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:46 pm
by RoyGBiv
I've got 500 rounds of .22LR I would trade to a member here at the OP's "exchange rates". I'm all for helping a Brother out, so to speak. Not sure what I'd want to trade for. I'd check with my shooting buddies to see what they needed, as I'm fairly well stocked for now. One friend that's searching for 6.5 Creedmor for a new rifle, but that's not on the list.

If you're heading this way and still looking, let me know.

I got stuck at a train crossing this morning, on the way home from Costco. Instead of waiting impatiently :grumble , I turned right into the Academy lot and walked out with 40 rounds (2 box max) of Winchester M855 for 0.70/round including tax. Not terrible considering the circumstances.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:01 pm
by yakadoo
I've got some surplus .22 ammunition that I'd be happy to trade for 9mm, but I live in Houston.

Re: Ammo trade (Want .22LR) have .223, 9mm, .45, and .308

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 7:22 pm
by uthornsfan
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