Any leads or anyone want to sell one please let me know so I can pass it on to them.

Have you ever owned one? The Sigma is a very reliable gun from a functioning standpoint. Just has a nasty heavy trigger. I never had an issue with mine failing for cycle properly. With a little work you can lighten and smooth the trigger out to where it is bearable to shoot a lot of rounds.mikebass78 wrote:Probably should at least put them towards a Taurus...A sigma is the most unreliable gun I have seen around in a while. What good is a truck gun or any gun, if it's going to jam if you did need it?
Probably should look at some other cheap options? JMO
What problems did you have with yours? I never had a failure to feed, fire or eject, just a heavy trigger until I worked it over.SF18C wrote:I just got rid of a Sigma SW9F traded it in on Springfield XDs.
Call Texas Kniveworks at 1-866-481-4314, they probably still have it on their sales counter.
FWIW, not what I would call a reliable gun and yes it has a terrible trigger.