texasjeep44 wrote:If you don't already open carry a long gun, why don't you? I will go ahead and answer that for you. You don't want the attention you would draw when going to the local store, movie theater, restaurant or whereever. You don't want the results of what would happen after the man with gun call when into the local PD.
If you simply want your rights to be able to openly carry a handgun restored, well, it has been well over 100 years since Texans have had that right. Doing it this particular legislative session isn't going to make a big deal in the scope of things. Thinking that a law on the books that will allow for open carry will magically make things right is very narrow minded. As many have pointed out, it may very well result in limiting everyones right to carry a handgun whether or openly or concealed.
No offense, but if you had read this complete thread or my post above I think you would know this is not even close to what I think.
First, this bill is no good. When you say “narrow minded” I think you a probably referring to those folks that think this bill is great. I have said it throughout this thread, but will say it one more time. Passing OC would be great, but passing at the expense of CHL holders would be no good.
Second, just because one doesn’t exercise a right doesn’t mean it isn’t a right. Does everyone vote in every election? No. Should we all have this right, yes. Does everyone go to church each and every Sunday, not everyone I know, but I am sure they are all glad they have the right.
And as for your long gun comment, I think there is a difference between what is right and what is prudent. One should never exercise their rights in a way which would garner more attention than they are comfortable with. Some folks are comfortable with OC'ing. I did it for years in VA and never encountered any issues. Other are not comfortable with the concept, which is fine as well as well.
Bottom line...the right still exsit.
The Time is Now...
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