NAS-CC on lockdown
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:30 am
The focal point for Texas firearms information and discussions
Federal bases/facilities, yes. Texas Military Forces facilities, no. ... rearms.pdf
1. PURPOSE. To ensure the safety of all personnel and members of the public, who
work at, or use Texas Military Department (TMD) facilities and establish policy with
regard to Personally Owned Firearms (POFs). This directive supersedes policy
memorandum JFTX P15-08 Privately Owned Firearms, dated 1 December 2015.
2. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. This issuance applies to TMD employees, civilian
visitors, contractors, and service members of all other military service components while
on any TMD installation or facility.
a. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter H, anyone
issued a handgun license recognized and valid in the State of Texas may possess a
handgun on their person or in a properly secured vehicle while on TMD installations or
facilities. This authorization encompasses all buildings and property under the control
of the TMD. ...