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Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:11 pm
by Flightmare ... -new-york/

On the bright side, the victims didn't have far to go for medical care.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:35 pm
by parabelum
Another gun free zone, in the middle of fascist city within fascist gun grabbing State home of Islamberg.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:00 pm
by ELB
"The NYPD has identified the shooter as
Dr. Henry Bello, a former employee at Bronx Lebanon Hospital, reports CBS New York's Reena Roy..."

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:38 pm
by Jusme
Can't they just pass gun control laws, so that this type of thing doesn't happen? Maybe they need to make it illegal to carry a gun in the city, wouldn't that prevent this? Or maybe make hospitals off limits, you know, put up signs or something, so people wouldn't take guns there. What is wrong with the people in New York? Don't they know that if they would just pass laws, this type of thing wouldn't happen? I'm glad I live in Texas, I wouldn't want to be where people can just walk in a hospital and start shooting people.

Is shooting people a violation of the Hypocratic oath? I'm not a doctor but it would seem to be, at least a conflict of interest, if you shoot people to acquire new patients.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:51 pm
by Pariah3j
I think that brings a whole new meaning to the Dr's God complex to a whole new level :leaving

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:08 pm
by C-dub
From two different articles in the AP, it looks like the shooter/doctor had an AR-15 hidden underneath a lab coat and that he left the hospital in 2015 amid sexual harassment allegations. He also had a history of sexual misconduct.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:17 pm
by jason812
Did he use a mag that could only hold 7 rounds or did he have an evil weapons of war assault mag?

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:55 pm
by Jusme
C-dub wrote:From two different articles in the AP, it looks like the shooter/doctor had an AR-15 hidden underneath a lab coat and that he left the hospital in 2015 amid sexual harassment allegations. He also had a history of sexual misconduct.

So he waited 2 years to retaliate? I'm sure the MSM will be able to spin this into a gun control/ workplace violence issue. I'm sure his contract ran out and he was about to have to actually have to go back to work. My heart bleeds for him.

I just wish the people up there could see the irony of their laws.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:56 pm
by Jusme
C-dub wrote:From two different articles in the AP, it looks like the shooter/doctor had an AR-15 hidden underneath a lab coat and that he left the hospital in 2015 amid sexual harassment allegations. He also had a history of sexual misconduct.

So he waited 2 years to retaliate? I'm sure the MSM will be able to spin this into a gun control/ workplace violence issue. I'm sure his contract ran out and he was about to have to actually have to go back to work. My heart bleeds for him.

I just wish the people up there could see the irony of their laws.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:20 pm
by rotor
Fox news called it the usual assault rifle.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:22 pm
by grnamin
Jusme wrote:
C-dub wrote:I just wish the people up there could see the irony of their laws.
Said laws were never passed with the safety of the people in mind. The people will get fed up that the current laws aren't working and be willing to give up ALL their freedom for total security. Just as obamacare was designed to fail in order to usher in single payer. The end game is a totalitarian state.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:05 pm
by C-dub
grnamin wrote:
Jusme wrote:
C-dub wrote:I just wish the people up there could see the irony of their laws.
Said laws were never passed with the safety of the people in mind. The people will get fed up that the current laws aren't working and be willing to give up ALL their freedom for total security. Just as obamacare was designed to fail in order to usher in single payer. The end game is a totalitarian state.
Careful with the quotes. I didn't say that. I agree with it, but it wasn't me. That was Jusme.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:04 am
by greyjack
Another win for Moms Demand Victims.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:40 am
by philip964 ... .html?_r=0

NY Times admits that all the new gun control laws didn't work. He had three ten round magazines. He had an AR-15 that wasn't labeled an assault rifle.
Oh and he passed a background check. Did they mention he was in a gun free zone. Probably not.

Re: Multiple people shot at New York's Bronx Lebanon Hospital

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:13 pm
by apostate
After many decades of watching the result of government infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, I can only conclude the true intent is victim disarmament. It's why 560 went nowhere and why 1911 failed.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Arthur Conan Doyle