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The future without guns.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:16 am
by philip964
Predicting our future without guns is made easier by those places in the world where guns are already almost completely banned. ... -1.1240933" onclick=";return false;

Here a tourist to New York City is almost beaten to death by seven men with baseball bats, tire irons, etc. The public's reaction was to video the event and call police.

One of my anti gun friends would however comment, but see he didn't die. Gun control works.

Re: The future without guns.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:48 am
by anygunanywhere
Mrs. Anygunanywhere has always wanted me to take her to NYC.

Ain't ever gonna happen.


Re: The future without guns.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:41 am
by mamabearCali
We are forced by familial obligations to visit NY every year three times a year. My inlaws are getting a condo in florida, so I am hoping to shave off one of those visits soon. I am freaked out every time we have to go because we are without any decent protection for a two weeks at a time.

Re: The future without guns.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:46 am
McCarron’s assailants ran to the trunk of a black car and returned with the motley array of weapons, sources and witnesses said. That’s when all hell broke loose. At least seven men descended on McCarron, beating him unconscious and fracturing his skull, witnesses and court papers allege.
Mystery solved. That's how they came with the 7 round magazine limit, one for each. :rules: