Suspect shot in Grand Prairie

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Suspect shot in Grand Prairie


Post by Reserve161 »

This from facebook (DFW Scanner)
Burglary/Shooting (Grand Prairie) PHI air medical has transported a shooting victim from a home burglary scene in the nnnn block of nnnn Trail. According to GPPD on Twitter, the suspect was shot by a resident after breaking into the resident's house.

If true, sounds like self defense.
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Re: Suspect shot in Grand Prairie


Post by 68blackbird »

Sounds like they were a good shot.... ... home.html/
"The problem is not the availability of guns, it is the availability of morons."
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Re: Suspect shot in Grand Prairie


Post by aaangel »

another one in my neck of the woods. this one is four blocks away...heard all the sirens. i hope it sends a message...... :fire
'got to Texas ASAIC.
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Re: Suspect shot in Grand Prairie


Post by carlson1 » ... 51731.html" onclick=";return false;

According to police, at about 2:30 p.m. the resident heard a noise at the back of his home, armed himself with a .40 caliber handgun and called 911.

“During the conversation with him, we could hear him yelling 'you came at me with a knife.' A shot was fired and he updated the 911 call indicating that he had shot a suspect that came at him that entered his house with a knife. We responded within about a minute and thirty seconds thereafter. We had to force entry into the house because he was still holding the suspect that he had shot at gunpoint, even though he had been shot, and we discovered the suspect had received a gunshot wound to the abdomen,” said Lyle Gensler with the Grand Prairie Police Department.
A very great example why you should call 911. The operator could hear the home owner "yelling." Good for the homeowner.
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Re: Suspect shot in Grand Prairie


Post by JALLEN »

68blackbird wrote:Sounds like they were a good shot.... ... home.html/
"Update at 7:10 p.m. The Grand Prairie man who shot an intruder in his home this afternoon will not be charged with a crime. "
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.
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