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MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:11 pm
by seamusTX
According to reports, allegedly, etc., a 64-year-old man in Little Falls, Minnesota (about 100 miles northwest of Minneapolis), fatally shot two burglars who broke into his home during the past week.

He then concealed the bodies for a day before the police showed up in response to a call about suspicious activity.

Police arrested the homeowner on suspicion of 2nd-degree murder. Arraignment is scheduled for Monday. ... -year-old/" onclick=";return false; ... d-his-home" onclick=";return false;

The deceased were identified as a 17-year-old male and an 18-year-old female who were cousins. Both were high-school students.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:39 am
by Jumping Frog
Those who call 911 first claim the victim/complainant role. The only other available role in this drama is perpetrator.

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:17 am
by seamusTX
There must be some fascinating details that I hope will be published.

Obviously it's a real bad idea to fail to report a self-defense shooting and hide the bodies.

Probably some aspects of this case will depend upon specific details of Minnesota law, previous relationships between the parties, etc.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:16 am
by JeepGuy79
I am not mathematician but that doesn't add up. If I shoot someone in my home I am only going to move them to the garage or front porch so they don't ruin my floors. I don't want them around stinking up the place for days. I bet it was persons known to the shooter.

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:28 am
by WildBill
seamusTX wrote:There must be some fascinating details that I hope will be published.

Obviously it's a real bad idea to fail to report a self-defense shooting and hide the bodies.

Probably some aspects of this case will depend upon specific details of Minnesota law, previous relationships between the parties, etc.

- Jim
According to a later news story the homeowner Bryon David Smith, had been burglarized previously. Smith's brother, Bruce Smith, tells the Star Tribune it was the eighth burglary at Byron Smith's home in recent years.

Smith's brother, Bruce, said several break-ins had left his brother feeling vulnerable and afraid.

I dunno. Maybe the guy is getting Alzheimer's and got scared and didn't know what to do. Eight burglaries in a year is a lot! Maybe people thought his house was easy pickings and word got around? ... 90846.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:57 am
by seamusTX
It's a strange case.

Common sense alone would tell you that you should call 911 at the earliest opportunity after a deadly-force incident, even if no one gets hurt. There are plenty of counter-examples of criminals claiming to be victims.

It is odd that two teenagers would suddenly decide to commit burglary on Thanksgiving afternoon. Weird stuff happens, but according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune article quoted by the Huffington Post, no one involved had a criminal history. They may have had some personal problems (but who doesn't?). ... ml?refer=y" onclick=";return false;

The initial comments of family members and neighbors often are not helpful.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:07 pm
by WildBill
It appears that the burglars could have been to steal prescripton drugs:

"Kifer had been in treatment more than once for abuse of controlled substances, and speculated that her cousin might have been after pills. Kifer had recently returned to school and had been trying to straighten out her life, Shaeffel said, adding that Kifer had stolen Adderall pills from Shaeffel's home."

"Yes, she had an addiction problem and stuff, but that doesn't mean she deserves to get murdered at 18 years old," Shaeffel said. "I understand they came there to rob them, or whatever, but shoot them in the shoulder and call the cops." ... ml?refer=y" onclick=";return false;

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:12 pm
by seamusTX
It's possible, but at the moment this is all people running their mouths to reporters.

There also are neighbors describing the homeowner as a "loner" and complaining about him shooting on his property—legally.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:00 pm
by seamusTX
The suspect's arraignment was today. He was formally charged with two counts of second-degree murder.

I'm not going to try to summarize this story. You have to read the whole thing." onclick=";return false;

I'm only going to say that in addition to not calling 911, the suspect probably talked himself into an effective life sentence, given his age (64):
Kifer [the deceased woman] too started down the stairs and was shot by Smith by the time he saw her hips, sending her tumbling down the stairs.

Smith attempted to shoot her again, but his rifle jammed, prompting Kifer to laugh.

Upset, Smith, pulled out a revolver he had on him and shot her "more times than I needed to" in the chest, he said.
- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:20 pm
by stroo
Reading this it kind of reminds you of the OK pharmacist. You have every right to defend yourself. You have no right to execute an attacker once you have stopped him or her.

Couple that with not calling 911 and telling the police about a "good clean finishing" shot and this guy is looking at a long prison term.

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:43 pm
by seamusTX
stroo wrote:Reading this it kind of reminds you of the OK pharmacist.
Very much.

I have to wonder if this man has a mental or neurological problem that developed recently. Not that that would be an excuse, but it would be an explanation.

He had a long career with the federal government in a security role of some sort.

If the news report of the court testimony of the actions of the deceased are accurate, they had a whole bunch of their own problems. I can't imagine continuing with a robbery after looking down the barrel of a rifle or hearing gunshots.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:16 am
by stroo
Or laughing at the person with the gun when he just shot you. Very odd group of people in this case.

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:42 am
by seamusTX
stroo wrote:Or laughing at the person with the gun when he just shot you.
That may be, but a law-abiding citizen does not get to play "make my day, punk" movie stunts.

A few people seem to forget that all deadly force statutes contain some language like "when and to the degree that it is immediately necessary." Someone on this forum, in reference to the Oklahoma pharmacist, said that you can justifiably shoot someone who is attacking you, but after he's down you can't justifiably pour gasoline on him and set him on fire.

- Jim

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:18 pm
by TexasCajun
The more information that comes out about this, the more I think that we really don't know. If the reports are acurate to the events, Smith may not be 100% mentally capeable and Keifer's actions absolutely defy logic. Who in their right mind would shoot two burglars and then not call the police because he didn't want to bother them on Thanksgiving?? And what burglar in their right mind would continue to walk through a house AFTER several shots have been fired?? And last, who would lose $10k worth of stuff in a previous burglary & not report that??

Either the on-scene reporters need to go all the way back to jr high journalism classes or nobody's elevator is leaving the ground floor, much less going to the top!

Re: MN: Man arrested after killing burglars

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:29 pm
by seamusTX
Please keep in mind that most of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune article is quotes or paraphrases from court testimony.

I agree that a lot of aspects of this case point to a mental disorder.

- Jim