TROY, Mo. • Maybe the bank robber couldn't see very well through the holes in his mask — the face of Chucky from the "Child's Play" horror movies — as he walked into Peoples Bank & Trust Tuesday afternoon.
After all, it says right on the door that concealed weapons are allowed in the bank. They're practically encouraged by the sign: "Management recognizes the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as an unalienable right of all citizens."
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:49 am
by Keith B
Did he put him in a sleeper hold?
President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:52 am
by 2farnorth
I read through a lot of the comments at the bottom and most were very positive. But ones from Ca, New Zealand, and Washington State were totally negative. People trying to impose their version of the law on a Mo. situation. All I can say is he did it well. Would I have done it his way? I don't know, wasn't there, hope I'm never in that situation.
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:02 am
by Keith B
You have to realize Troy is a very small town in northern Missouri. Missouri is an open carry state and has always been VERY gun friendly overall. The only places that are not are in your large to major metro areas (towns of 30K plus.) The area Troy is located in is a farming community where it is still very common to see a shotgun or rifle in the gun rack of a pickup.
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:04 am
by RPB
2farnorth wrote:I read through a lot of the comments at the bottom and most were very positive. But ones from Ca, New Zealand, and Washington State were totally negative. People trying to impose their version of the law on a Mo. situation. All I can say is he did it well. Would I have done it his way? I don't know, wasn't there, hope I'm never in that situation.
IIRC, New Zealand only recently allowed *some* Police to have guns because the Police kept getting assaulted so badly and they really wanted to have guns to protect themselves for a while.
So you see, if American Police all stopped wearing guns on their belts, and kept them in a locked car instead of wearing them around the kids in schools etc .... we'd all be more friendly with police ...
Access to gun should be limited ... That's how they think.
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:12 am
by Robert*PPS
Chalk one up for the good guys
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:22 am
by jimlongley
RPB wrote:
2farnorth wrote:I read through a lot of the comments at the bottom and most were very positive. But ones from Ca, New Zealand, and Washington State were totally negative. People trying to impose their version of the law on a Mo. situation. All I can say is he did it well. Would I have done it his way? I don't know, wasn't there, hope I'm never in that situation.
IIRC, New Zealand only recently allowed *some* Police to have guns because the Police kept getting assaulted so badly and they really wanted to have guns to protect themselves for a while.
So you see, if American Police all stopped wearing guns on their belts, and kept them in a locked car instead of wearing them around the kids in schools etc .... we'd all be more friendly with police ...
Access to gun should be limited ... That's how they think.
Sheesh! Even Barney got a gun.
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:52 am
by i8godzilla
Keith B wrote:Did he put him in a sleeper hold?
President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
I keep trying to turn off the auto-completion function on my mobile device. Seems every time it is turned off and back on the 'feature' turns back on.
Re: President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:07 am
by Keith B
i8godzilla wrote:
Keith B wrote:Did he put him in a sleeper hold?
President of Bank Naps Masked Robber
I keep trying to turn off the auto-completion function on my mobile device. Seems every time it is turned off and back on the 'feature' turns back on.
Yeah, autocorrect has caused me some headaches with unintended word subsitutes in texts to my wife. "I swear honey, I menat to say 'I love you', not 'I loath you'!!"