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Burglar killed & accomplice wounded

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:28 pm
by RPB
Burglar killed & accomplice wounded at N. Indiana home
Thursday, October 4, 2012 ... 918608.php" onclick=";return false;
Police were called Wednesday to a home in Elkhart on a report of shots being fired after two people had forced their way inside.
more at ... 918608.php" onclick=";return false;

Re: Burglar killed & accomplice wounded

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:34 pm
by RPB
more at" onclick=";return false;
UPDATE: Police identify victim in Frances Ave shooting (VIDEO)
Posted: 10/04/2012" onclick=";return false;

Two arrested, one killed in Elkhart burglary
Posted: 10/04/2012" onclick=";return false;

Victim in Frances Ave. shooting ‘wasn’t a bad kid’
Posted: 10/04/2012" onclick=";return false;

poor victim :grumble

This event sounds familiar, I thought I posted it already, but can't find where I? did so maybe I just tweeted about it.
If I'm duplicating myself ... sorry,

Re: Burglar killed & accomplice wounded

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:07 pm
by trentwhite778
Yeah, poor thing. Accidentally broke into someone's house and the mean old home owner shot him for no reason.

Re: Burglar killed & accomplice wounded

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:16 pm
by mamabearCali
When are these guys going to get a clue......don't break into homes in TX. People around here have guns and will use them. Want to live a life of crime..... Try the suburbs of Chicago, IL....they are likely law abiding types and won't have the handguns.