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7 year old girl shot and killed while selling lemonaid

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:42 pm
by philip964
No place but Chicago. ... ed-girl-7/" onclick=";return false;

Course can't be true as guns are illegal in Chicago.

RIP little girl. So young, so innocent, so much of your life ahead of you. Very sad.

Re: 7 year old girl shot and killed while selling lemonaid

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:28 pm
by Valor
And Illinois abolished the death penalty! At some point, the politics must stop and rationale set in. Most of the shooters and victims in Chicago are under 18, such a sad "state" of affairs. I continue to read comments asking where is Sharpton and Jackson on such issue; they are in pro carry states where they are less likely to be shot!