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Texas City: Outstanding citizen wanted on multiple warrants

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:30 pm
by seamusTX
In Texas City today, police announced that they wanted one Brandon Marlow Miller, age 21, for murder and numerous other felonies.

He is wanted for the murder of a man who was found dead in Texas City June 9 and the attempted murder of a woman who was shot in the same incident.

He was already out on bond for other violent felonies.

Amazingly, news reports of this dangerous, violent fugitive contained no identifying information about him. Here is the mug shot from the Texas City PD website:
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Even the cops don't identify him as to height, weight, or other characteristics. ... for-murder" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Remember, every suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

- Jim

Re: Texas City: Outstanding citizen wanted on multiple warra

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:32 pm
by speedsix
...he's not outstanding...the warrants are...

Re: Texas City: Outstanding citizen wanted on multiple warra

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:52 pm
by seamusTX
This person surrendered to police in Houston today and was taken into custody without incident." onclick=";return false;

So far no one has explained what was going on when two people from Bacliff were shot, one fatally, in the back of an abandoned house in Texas City after midnight Sunday. People may be excused for thinking it was not a friendly game of Parcheesi that turned sour.

If I understand the law correctly, this was a capital offense.

- Jim