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Real-life "self-defense furniture"

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:29 pm
by A-R ... ?hpt=hp_c1" onclick=";return false;
(CNN) -- A hero hurled barstools at a gunman as he opened fire inside a Seattle cafe, police said Thursday.

Police did not release the witness' full name, but said his actions allowed three people to escape while a man armed with two handguns attacked on Wednesday.

"There's a hero. .... He put his life at risk," Assistant Police Chief Jim Pugel told reporters.

In an interview with police, the man said he had glanced at his phone when he heard gunshots, then sprung into action as he saw people scrambling around him.

Re: Real-life "self-defense furniture"

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:00 pm
by ddurkof
It sounds like he interrupted the gunman's OODA loop and goes to show that even some action is better than none in some situations. He had a mindset that he was not going to be a victim. :cheers2: Good for him.