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Texas City: Missing a lawn mower? PC?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:05 pm
by seamusTX
According to a report in today's Galveston County Daily News, Texas City police busted up a fairly large-scale operation selling illegal drugs. They also found a lot more yard tools, computers, generators, and car parts than anyone would really need for a rainy day." onclick=";return false;

The location was the 2000 block of 16th Avenue North in Texas City. The suspects had lived there a short time. Neighbors had complained about unusual car traffic.

I've noticed this phenomenon. When you see a lot of junky cars, usually with two or more adult men in them, driving around repeatedly, you could probably follow them to a drug dealer's place or crack house.

- Jim

Re: Texas City: Missing a lawn mower? PC?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:27 pm
by smoothoperator
:nono: That would be profiling.

Re: Texas City: Missing a lawn mower? PC?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:43 pm
by seamusTX
There is justifiable profiling as opposed to—shall we say?—stupid profiling.

Groups of men driving around the block repeatedly are up to something other than trying to recruit new members for their barbershop quartet.

Deciding that everyone whose skin is darker than a paper grocery bag is a criminal is stupid profiling. A cop would be rather embarrassed after arresting Condoleeza Rice or Clarence Thomas.

- Jim