KY: 78 y.o. man uses Walther AND a shotgun on bad guys!
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:08 am ... d-shotgun/
The above link contains a text story and a video of a 78 year old cancer survivor whose home was
invaded at 400 AM by 2 bad guys, one of whom allegedly had a gun.
He's always slept with an old Walther semi-automatic pistol under his pillow. He fired 3 shots through
his bedroom door, hitting 1 of the 2 perps.
He then grabbed his shotgun and sent a little more "what-fer" in their direction.
The wounded suspect was found, arrested, and is in the hospital (condition unknown).
The above link contains a text story and a video of a 78 year old cancer survivor whose home was
invaded at 400 AM by 2 bad guys, one of whom allegedly had a gun.
He's always slept with an old Walther semi-automatic pistol under his pillow. He fired 3 shots through
his bedroom door, hitting 1 of the 2 perps.
He then grabbed his shotgun and sent a little more "what-fer" in their direction.
The wounded suspect was found, arrested, and is in the hospital (condition unknown).