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FL: GG w/ .45 surprises burglar in act, holds him for LEO's.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:12 pm
by surprise_i'm_armed ... lar/nF6gb/

The above link is out of Melbourne, Florida (Atlantic coast side) and features the GG, the BG, and the cops.

The BG is caught lying on camera. But heck, for a career burglar, what's a lie mean?

As the LEO's are clearing the house, they are all indexing on their handguns. Good for them.


Re: FL: GG w/ .45 surprises burglar in act, holds him for LE

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:37 am
by Jumping Frog
Well, I know that he certainly has the right to clear his house and protect his property, and I won't argue with a man who wants to do so.

But I wonder if he truly realizes how dangerous it can be for an untrained homeowner to try to clear a house by himself. If I had family inside, sure, I'll do whatever it takes. But otherwise, I'd rather wait outside by the BG's car and let the police clear the house. He's not going anywhere without his car.