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Officers Shot-confronting Burglar-Cell Phone Saves Cop's Lif

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:01 am
by RPB
This sounds like something Colin Goddard would write but ...

3 OK Officers Shot while Confronting Burglar at City Hall; Cell Phone Saves Cop's Life
"All I know is what Police Chief Stamp told me, that if it wasn't for his cell phone, the officer you know, that's what saved his life," Hood said. "That's all I know." ... -cops-life" onclick=";return false; ... s-captured" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

The vague articles make it sound like one of the 3 armed policeman who got shot called the police/911 ... (two different Police Depts present/involved)

More details would be great if the phone actually deflected/stopped a bullet or whatever.

Re: Officers Shot-confronting Burglar-Cell Phone Saves Cop's

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:00 pm
by speedsix
...this sounds like a candidate for Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story" series...