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Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:34 pm
by ELB ... .html?_r=1" onclick=";return false; ... department" onclick=";return false;

After a previous confrontation, Mr. W shoots Mr. J and kills him. Some witnesses say Mr. J. also fired a gun, but if he did, it has not been recovered.

Mr. W is confronted by several police officers. Police say Mr. W ignored orders and fired at officers. Eight officers return fire. Seventy-three rounds worth.

When all the shooting is done, Mr. W. has been hit by two rounds, in chest and hip. In hospital in critical condition. Two police officers are slightly wounded.

Ms. G, who had nothing to do with the incident other than having the bad luck to be nearby at time, is killed by a bullet to the head.

Police say the bullet that struck her was a 9mm, and have ruled out that it was fired by Mr. W. They also say, however, that it cannot be definitively tied to any other weapon. Police spokesman says it may have come from an officer's gun, or perhaps from the as-yet-not-found-gun Mr. J may or may not have had.

Police attribute the lack of definitiveness to the bullet being deformed, and because it came from a gun with polygonal rifling, which "leave little telltale marking on a bullet." At least two police officers used Glocks -- apparently other police officers used guns manufactured by Smith & Wesson or other companies.

Very ugly.

Re: Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:46 pm
by Dave2
ELB wrote:Police attribute the lack of definitiveness to the bullet being deformed, and because it came from a gun with polygonal rifling, which "leave little telltale marking on a bullet." At least two police officers used Glocks -- apparently other police officers used guns manufactured by Smith & Wesson or other companies.

Very ugly.
9mm Glocks?

Yes, very ugly indeed.

Re: Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:41 am
Sounds pretty convenient for them.

I know that in a situation like this your adrenaline is going and it is nerve racking but this is one thing they train for. For LEOs to fire 73 rounds and only have 2 hit is unacceptable. If this is the norm and it appears it is they need to reconsider their firearms training and the individuals they are currently employing.
John Cerar, who was in charge of the department’s firearms and tactics training from 1985 to 1994, said the number of shots fired — 73 — and the number that missed their mark — all but 2 — was not unusual.
I hope he is mistaken. Not unusual to miss 71 shots at close range? Again, unacceptable for LEOs.

Re: Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:35 am
by SAK
Wonder if they are trained to hold the pistol sideways?

Re: Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:48 am
by schufflerbot
cripes, dude!!

70+ missed shots?! that's silly.

Re: Bystander fatally shot

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:55 am
by Beiruty
the cause of the shootout? A friendly slap fight between cousins" :eek6 :shock: :shock: :totap: