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CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:57 am
by seamusTX
In Orange, County, California, Sunday, a man allegedly threw his 7-year-old son fully clothed off a large tour boat. The man then reportedly also jumped in. Both were rescued uninjured.

Witnesses said the man was hitting the boy before the incident and the boy was crying. The man denied that.

The man said he was fooling around. He was reportedly drunk. He was charged with felony child endangerment and resisting arrest. ... -tour-boat" onclick=";return false;

The interview is un-be-liev-able.

P.S.: A lot of assaults and a few rapes, murders, suicides, and accidental deaths occur on tour ships (not boats like this one). Nearly all involve alcohol or drug abuse. Few if any are stranger-on-stranger attacks.

- Jim

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:47 am
by schufflerbot

regardless of his intent when he threw that kid over, this guy needs a good smacking or two.

...or ten.

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:25 am
by Oldgringo
Maybe he was trying to teach the kid how to swim?

Seriously, I fell off a barge in front of a towboat once upon a time. Although I was wearing a life jacket, it seemed that I was underwater for a week and I most definitely felt the big screws pulling on me as I fought to get away from the tow. The Captain saw me go overboard and reversed the engines. I then fought against the prop wash to get back to the boat. The screws (propellers) on a big boat/ship will eat you up. It wasn't my time.

The father who threw his son off of the boat should be thrown off of the boat. Full speed ahead!

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:44 pm
by Texas Size 11
I shouldn't have to share oxygen with people this just isn't fair.

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:41 pm
by Pug
Where do animals like this breed...and why???

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:06 pm
by seamusTX
They're everywhere. People like to make fun of Florida and Arkansas, among other states, for inbreeding and declining IQs—but they're everywhere.

As to why, I hope your daddy told you about the birds and bees. ;-)

BTW, most animals don't act as badly as human beings. Most of the higher animals protect their own offspring and will risk their own lives if necessary.

- Jim

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:23 pm
by txjim42
Stupid should hurt....

Re: CA: Man throws own child off tour boat

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:25 pm
by olafpfj
seamusTX wrote:BTW, most animals don't act as badly as human beings. Most of the higher animals protect their own offspring and will risk their own lives if necessary.

- Jim
My response to many people when they ask why people will fight for and give to animal protection organizations is that..."Animals will accept your help".