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Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:52 pm
by Jumping Frog
Police: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

This happened in KY, just south of Cincinnati. A 63 year-old woman told a 21 year-old burglar to leave twice. He kept advancing, so she shot him in the head. He was found dead in a front room. The burglar had entered the house at 1:00 am wearing only boxer shorts.

Good shot!

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:30 am
by C-dub

Sleep walking or drunk? Very unfortunate.

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:00 am
by Middle Age Russ
And he will burgle no more!

If he had lived and was caught, I am sure at trial that he would have been portrayed as a poor, confused youth who was simply trying to find some pants to wear. Wait a minute and he'll probably be portrayed that way anyway, while the victim who protected herself will be turned into the bad guy by the press and the no-doubt colorful associates of the burglar.

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:09 am
by papajohn1964
Love it! :fire Granny with a GUN!!! :fire And a darn good shot to boot! :fire

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:39 pm
by DEB
But, but, but, he wasn't armed, he wasn't trying to steal anything, he could of been only drunk/confused. She should have waited until she fully understood his intentions. She must be a vigilante and/or a cold blooded killer that took the law into her own hands, much as that individual who chased that man into the street and shot him. For those who don't get sarcasm this is it...

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:44 pm
by fulano
DEB wrote:But, but, but, he wasn't armed, he wasn't trying to steal anything, he could of been only drunk/confused. She should have waited until she fully understood his intentions. She must be a vigilante and/or a cold blooded killer that took the law into her own hands, much as that individual who chased that man into the street and shot him. For those who don't get sarcasm this is it...
If he wasn't there with intent to harm, then his genetic pool was shallow. Either way, time wasn't on his side. JMO

Re: Woman Twice Told Burglar To Leave, Then Shot Him

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:41 pm
by VoiceofReason
fulano wrote:
DEB wrote:But, but, but, he wasn't armed, he wasn't trying to steal anything, he could of been only drunk/confused. She should have waited until she fully understood his intentions. She must be a vigilante and/or a cold blooded killer that took the law into her own hands, much as that individual who chased that man into the street and shot him. For those who don't get sarcasm this is it...
If he wasn't there with intent to harm, then his genetic pool was shallow. Either way, time wasn't on his side. JMO
There are some folks whose family tree doesn’t branch. :lol: