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FL: If we don't talk about it, maybe no one will notice..

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:24 pm
by ELB ... Pete-crime" onclick=";return false;

Man reports 16 y.o. daughter and her friends were robbed. Investigatig officer tells man that daughter was hanging around a dangerous area, should stay away from there. Man is happy to be informed of bad areas.

Man is following up on incident with police, mentions officer's comment. Officer's supervisor launches investigaton...of the officer (with clean record), for "disparaging" the city. Officer faced possibe suspension even if comment was true.


Mayor Bill Foster acknowledged the incident and said he holds SPPD to the highest standard.

"I always want to know my officers are representing this city in a very positive light," Foster said.

After news of the investigation gets out, suddenly

Officer Crisco faces - at the most - a Memorandum of Counseling (not a "suspension"), which is considered an informal, instructional document...that would caution him against making comments in the future that are either factually incorrect or could otherwise be misunderstood by the general public."

Officer Crisco should find a different police force...

Re: FL: If we don't talk about it, maybe no one will notice

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:30 pm
by C-dub
Maybe the Mayor and Police Chief should move their families into that area to prove that it is a safe area.

Re: FL: If we don't talk about it, maybe no one will notice

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:15 pm
by longtooth
Or the officers start rekpresenting the areas as the most efficent crime neighborhood in the state.