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Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:11 pm
by i8godzilla
:shock: :shock:

KXVX Online wrote:" onclick=";return false;
Property owner chases and fires shots at alleged copper thief's truck

he got into a vehicle, chased his pickup truck on FM 1113, and began firing shot at the tires.

Shooting out of a moving vehicle? Not wise if you ask me.

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:26 pm
by WildBill
i8godzilla wrote:Shooting out of a moving vehicle? Not wise if you ask me.
Bad boy! :nono:

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:28 pm
by seamusTX
I would not generally approve of running gunfights and shooting out of moving vehicles.

However, theft of any amount of copper wire, pipe, air-conditioner cores, etc., is a felony [PC 31.03(e)(4)(F)]. (The cops brought the wrong charge.)

Since the property owner managed or had the good luck not to kill or injure an innocent party, I predict no harm no foul.

- Jim

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:30 pm
by WildBill
seamusTX wrote:However, theft of any amount of copper wire, pipe, air-conditioner cores, etc., is a felony [PC 31.03(e)(4)(F)]. (The cops brought the wrong charge.)
I am sure that the DA will rectify that oversight. :cool:

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:30 pm
by i8godzilla
seamusTX wrote:
However, theft of any amount of copper wire, pipe, air-conditioner cores, etc., is a felony [PC 31.03(e)(4)(F)]. (The cops brought the wrong charge.)

Let's hope the prosecutor's office gets it right.

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:31 pm
by seamusTX
Well, maybe the shock of being chased, shot at, and arrested will be punishment enough for this young choirboy. If he goes to jail, he will get room and board paid for by the taxpayers, and he won't have to work except for cigarette money (if they even still have that).


- Jim

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:21 pm
Thinking about it, TPC says you can use deadly force to stop a fleeing suspect who committed a burglary, but doesn't say at your property line. Granted, shooting from a moving vehicle is a bad idea, following them could be enough until police catch up. Who knows? It does sound AWFULLY country in that article! ;)

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:41 pm
by seamusTX
What is legally justified and what is a good idea can be pretty far apart, as many people on this forum have said many times.

In this case, the goofball was arrested and no one got hurt.

If an innocent party had been hurt, the damages would overshadow any amount of copper that could fit in a pickup truck.

I'm not saying we should let crooks get away with whatever they want, but we have to balance doing justice versus potential harm.

BTW, if you look at the original TV web site story now, some of the alleged thief's friends are defending him with their post-modern lack of punctuation and capitalization. Archie the cockroach would be proud. :mrgreen:

- Jim

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:33 pm
by Katygunnut
seamusTX wrote:BTW, if you look at the original TV web site story now, some of the alleged thief's friends are defending him with their post-modern lack of punctuation and capitalization. Archie the cockroach would be proud. :mrgreen:

- Jim
I love his friend's logic. They sound like well trained liberals.

Re: Shots at Alleged Copper Thief's Truck

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:57 pm
by seamusTX
They're not liberals. They write like ignorant low-lifes.

- Jim