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SC: Dogs and hunters poisoned

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:58 pm
by seamusTX
In rural Kershaw County, South Carolina, thirteen hunters sought medical care and four hunting dogs died after coming into contact with a pesticide. Authorities think the dogs may have eaten adulterated dog food." onclick=";return false;

There is no indication that it was an anti-hunting incident (which would be unheard-of in that part of the country).

- Jim

Re: SC: Dogs and hunters poisoned

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:21 am
by RPB
hmmm probably more Taliban tests like they did with the birds and fishies in Arkansas ...

Re: SC: Dogs and hunters poisoned

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:11 am
by Oldgringo
AFAIK, SC is the only state that allows people to wait by their vehicles IN THE ROAD waiting for their dogs to drive a deer ACROSS THE ROAD.

At least they did when we were on Edisto Island in the Low Country prior to Hugo. Love that Low Country, the food, the people and the history. Didn't care to come around a bend in the road and see some galoot sitting on his fender waiting to shoot DOWN THE ROAD.