Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico

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Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico


Post by RPB »

POSTING THIS SO YOU CAN SEE COMMENTS: ... 02x4586377" onclick=";return false;
(Although tempting ... I refuse to join that site just to post that it's an impossibility, must be a made up imagined story because "GUNS ARE ILLEGAL IN MEXICO" [ it's a gun-free zone]" onclick=";return false;

ORIGINAL STORY:" onclick=";return false;
By OLIVIA TORRES, Associated Press Writer. Olivia Torres, Associated Press Writer. – 32 mins ago
about four dozen partygoers gathered for a 15-year-old boy's birthday party.

Turf battles have killed more than 2000 people this year in Ciudad Juarez.

Also, attacks on law enforcement in Ciudad Juarez this year
have killed 44 city officers, 21 state officers, 29 federal policemen, 3 transit officers, 3 prison officers and 2 investigators for prosecutors.

Population = similar to Houston and nearby areas; about 1.5 million (plus or minus a couple thousand killed), .

Good thing guns are illegal there, if it wasn't a "gun-free zone" it could be a violent place.. :roll: :eek6 :shock:
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Re: Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico


Post by philip964 »

You can't even have a gun in your house. Nothing. Nada. Oh and if they catch the real shooters, bad guys, no death penalty in Mexico, cause that would be just wrong.

What is it ...... if guns are outlawed only...
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Re: Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico


Post by RiverCity.45 »

Not the first massacre at a teen party this year. It's tough enough beeing a teen, but this is just beyond my comprehension. I can only imagine that someone irritated a drug lord and this was retaliation.

I don't think gun ownership would make much difference, given the brutality and ruthlessness of the drug gangs there. This isn't simple self defense...this is all-out guerilla warfare.
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Re: Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico


Post by RPB »

Everyone there will feel safer now. ... -student/1" onclick=";return false;
No one else wanted the job, so a 20-year-old criminology student is the new police chief of a Mexican border town in the bloody crosshairs of the drug cartels.
"Here everyone is frightened," she told Mexican news media. "We are going to exchange this fear for security."
She said she's expanding her force, which will be mostly female and unarmed. ... 83213.html" onclick=";return false;
She and the other officers won't carry guns and they'll focus more on crime prevention. The new police chief will have a total of 13 officers working for her. The vast majority of the new hires are also women. The new mayor planned it that way because believes the women can help build a sense of trust

(I trust the mayor got paid well from someone besides the city for which he ostensibly works. )

I "get it now"
1) Guns are illegal in Mexico
2) The police and cartels still have guns
3) reduce the number of guns to have less crime
4) disarm the police

Yeah, that should work, like it did in London England ... viewtopic.php?f=83&t=38922&p=465261&hil ... ap#p465261" onclick=";return false;
which has a link to ... n-england/" onclick=";return false;


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Re: Gunmen kill 13 in massacre at childs party in Mexico


Post by mctowalot »

Wow! Look at that map. That's a lot of m&ms!

I found an interesting website recently, "Blogdelnarco".

(I think a forum member started me on the path to discovering it so thanks to whoever that was.)

Here's your WARNING!!! This blog has videos galore from the streets of Mexico. Lots of footage of the aftermath of some of gun battles we hear about.

Don't speak Spanish? No problem'o ( :mrgreen: )! Run it through Google translate.
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