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SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:27 am
by Grammy
A 50 year old woman hears door being kicked in at 3:30 in the AM. She grabs gun and plugs bad guy. Robber found face down in neighbor's yard. ... 69733.html

Edited to fix link.

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:31 am
by HarleyDave
At least she was well prepared for the worst case scenario, don't want to do it, but sometimes, just sometimes, you have too. Prayerfully, she'll be OK from the aftermath of this sad situation.

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:44 am
by Purplehood
Grammy wrote:A 50 year old woman hears door being kicked in at 3:30 in the AM. She grabs gun and plugs bad guy. Robber found face down in neighbor's yard.
Link not working. :oops:

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:46 am
by USA1
Purplehood wrote:
Grammy wrote:A 50 year old woman hears door being kicked in at 3:30 in the AM. She grabs gun and plugs bad guy. Robber found face down in neighbor's yard.
Link not working. :oops:
Not for me either.

At least we know the BG won't be harming or stealing from anyone else.

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:47 am
by jimlongley
Page not found


Years ago there was a columnist for the Albany NY Times Union whose name was Barney Fowler. Barney was a self admitted curmudgeon and not just a little bit of rabble rouser, and held very conservative views quite foreign to the rag he was published in.

Barney once went on a campaign to require all criminals to register as businesses and carry proper insurance, and be held financially responsible for any damage they might cause in plying their trade, as well as recognizing that their victims would be held blameless for injuries to the criminals incurred through the victims' response to thei activities.

Unworkable to be sure, but an interesting concept. Put the law on the books, even if they ignore it, and sue them for the psychological trauma they caused by bleeding in the yard, for the damage to hearing caused by having to fire a gun at them in the close confines of the house, and so on.

And if they did indeed die as a result, the survivors and estate become responsible.

This is a cute sounding idea that comes from a naive suburban mindset. It is founded on the faulty assumption that violent criminals are like homeowners and have assets that can be recovered through the court process.

They don't, and they are therefore what is known to the legal trade as "judgment proof". The entire exercise to enforce such a law would be a complete waste of time.

Castle doctrine laws take care of the liability issue.

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:05 am
by Grammy
Corrected link :tiphat:

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:07 am
by Purplehood
He must have liked that first kiss.

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:12 pm
by ELB
jimlongley wrote: ...Barney once went on a campaign to require all criminals to register as businesses ...
Aside from the absurdity and practical difficulties, I suspect this would fail immediately on constitutional grounds, because registering as a criminal enterprise would be self-incriminating. This is the reason that in those happy peaceful utopias of 2A repression that require registration of guns, felons (and I am sure those with violent misdemeanors) are not required to register their guns and cannot be prosecuted for failing to do so. Failing to register a gun is a crime only a person with a clean record can commit. :roll: Talk about absurdity.
jimlongley wrote:...This is a cute sounding idea that comes from a naive suburban mindset. ...
I don't know Fowler, but I doubt he was naive about this at all. He was using the absurdity of requiring criminal business registration, and carrying it to its absurd extremes, to highlight the absurdity of placing liability on citizens who repel criminals.

On article itself: The location is given as 4800 block of Castle Path. It appears that area is a very large subdivision, east and bit north of Fort Sam Houston. All the streets are named Castle: Castle Queen, Castle Sword, Castle Arms, Castle Knoll, Castle Bridge... it sounds like Forrest Gump's friend Bubba talking about shrimp. :roll:

Re: SA Home invasion, with a happy ending

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:30 am
by TexasGal
"Toni Hanes, 50, told police she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door being kicked in around 3:30 a.m.....She grabbed a handgun from under her pillow..."

This is why I have my .38 under my pillow and my XDm hidden in reach near my headboard. I can put my hand on either one without even turning over. She did not have much time to go from asleep to defending her life. He was determined to get to her before she could call 911 or do anything else to stop him. Kudos to her for being prepared! :fire :fire