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Self Defense shooting- You decide

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:16 pm
by philip964 ... imore.html ... e/40548856 ... s/40559604 ... om-hampden

Man gets upset with intersection squeegee windshield cleaners. He parks his car Gets out with baseball bat and heads for squeegees guys.

Squeegee guy pulls his gun and kills or murders motorist.

Shooter leaves the scene.

Legal defense shooting or not?

Re: Self Defense shooting- You decide

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:19 pm
by Ruark
Why wouldn't it be? Did you have some particular reason in mind?

Re: Self Defense shooting- You decide

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:13 pm
by OneGun
Based on the very few facts you provided, it would appear to be self-defense. However, I can't access the article in your links to know if there is more to the story. I won't pay for the NYT, its only use would be as toilet paper.

Re: Self Defense shooting- You decide

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:20 pm
by philip964
Ruark wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:19 pm Why wouldn't it be? Did you have some particular reason in mind?
The flavor of the articles seem to be that street people don't have the right of self defense, especially with a gun. After all the man was minding his own business when he was approached in his car by an annoying squeegee person and ended up shot to death. There was also the case of the Bodega employee being arrested and charged for murder defending himself.

And things like this.

"City officials said there would be increased police patrols at intersections frequented by squeegee workers.

"We are not going to tolerate acts of violence regardless of who is committing them," Mayor Brandon Scott told reporters on Friday. "If you’re assaulting motorists, if you’re damaging their cars, we are going to arrest you.""

""We are combing through a lot of evidence right now in search of the person who shot the victim," Harrison said."

The dead man was White, father of three, and engineer and a graduate of John Hopkins and is referred to as the victim.

Is self defense illegal back East?

The second link is free I think. It says "the victim" swung the bat. I added some more links. Baltimore Sun also had a pay wall. TV stations don't seem to have pay walls.

Re: Self Defense shooting- You decide

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:55 am
by Paladin
Was there a provocation? Probably? What kind? My guess is the shooter was a felon in possession... which, if true would make this not legitimate self defense.