A screaming child that is being torn out of the mothers arms could be being saved by a father who is taking her from a deranged mother that is mentally unstable. Drawing on the father would now have you being in the wrong.mamabearCali wrote:How would you "know" someone was being kidnapped. Well a screaming child being torn out of an apparent mothers arms with the mother screaming for help that would be a situation I could see myself actively intervening in...hopefully not drawing but certainly calling the cops as I advance and tell the person grabbing the child to stop immediately. A person attacking a child (not disciplining) but attacking a child that is screaming for help ( really screaming...not the half hearted help the little girl gave). Surely you can think of sure signs that would indicate something is amiss and needs immediate intervention.
I am not saying we should play cop, but simply that we should be our brothers keeper. If someone especially a child appears in extreme distress we (simply as human beings) should try to help.
Someone attacking a child is not a possible kidnapping, that is assault and totally different situation and could possibly justify drawing depending on the situation
Bottom line, these are situations that you will not know how to handle until the EXACT situation is presented. There will be multiple other factors that have to be considered. Hypothetical are just that and will never play out in real life like you think they would.
So, be a good witness, try to intervene only to the point to stop the situation long enough to let law enforcement sort it out, and don't put yourself in a sticky situation of unjustified assault with deadly weapon by drawing unless you have NO other options to save a life.